
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Magic Posts

For this Magic afternoon, we're going use a combination of GET and POST requests to retrieve and solve puzzles. Each puzzle can be found on this URL by making GET requests from /1 to /30. Puzzles range in difficulty/points and can be solved by making a POST request to the same URL.

Registering your team

To register your team, make a POST request in JSON to /register:

  "team" : "Origin"

Retrieve a puzzle

Making a GET request to /1 returns:

  "message" : "How would you select an element by an ID?"

Solving a puzzle

To solve, make a POST request to /1 in the following format:

  "team" : "Origin",
  "answer" : '' 

Some resources:

Level 1

Register your team!

Level 2:

Solve a puzzle!

Level 3:

Solve 10 puzzles!

Level 4:

Solve 20 puzzles!

Level 5:

Solve all 30 puzzles!


The specification is otherwise open-ended to the implementation of the page set-up.