
How to start app?

  1. Set the API key and secret.
    • UNIX: Type "run activate.sh" in terminal
    • Window: Type "activate.bat" in cmd.exe
  2. (For first time only: npm install to install all node packages)
  3. Go to the terminal and type: npm start to start the app
  4. go to: http://localhost:3000 in browser or using curl

Useful Tools

  • atom
    1. minimap
    2. ternjs (code intellegence/autocomplete)
    3. atom-jade (jade syntax highlighting)
    4. indent-guide-improved
    5. markdown preview (pre-installed) (ctrl-shift-M)


  • app.js: routing URL to functions

    1. step1: define route source file
    2. step2: HTTP method(GET/POST), path, the handler

var routes = require('./routes/index'); app.get('/', routes.index);

- ./routes/\*.js: all handlers
module.exports.index = function (req, res) {
    res.render('jadefile', {object: 'object'});
  • ./views/*.jade: template