
Prototype of Celery framework with NewRelic monitoring

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is a clean-room implementation of a "hello world" celery app that reports to NewRelic.


ALPHA. Not guaranteed to work in your environment. YMMV.


  • developed and tested only on OS X / VirtualBox hosted Vagrant machine (precise64 box)
  • NewRelic integration verified for celery version 3.0.25, but not for 3.1.x versions


Python Celery users who would like to see their performance stats in NewRelic dashboard. This tutorial is written for experienced software developers, with the assumption of Linux knowledge.

How to use

  1. clone this repo.
  2. Install RabbitMQ server. sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
  3. on your dev machine or another machine resource, set up a development purpose rabbitmq-server, accepting default port, and (roughly) with these config steps:
    • sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost demo
    • sudo rabbitmqctl add_user guest:guest # This might not be necessary since apt-get install will setup ths user by default.
    • sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p demo guest ".*" ".*" ".*"
    • sudo rabbitmqctl stop
    • sudo rabbitmq-server -detached # restarting the rabbitmq server`
    • your setup steps may vary, proper rabbitmq admin is out of scope of this guide
  4. source .env to bootstrap the virtualenv and pip requirements (autoenv is recommended to consume this file automatically)
  5. export NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=<your account license key> if you'd like to integrate with NewRelic APM
  6. ./run_worker.sh, the script should start up, ending with the message consumer: Ready to accept tasks!
  7. ./client.py -i to enter interactive mode as a caller of async tasks.