
Kustomizations and published OCI manifests to deploy Lemmy on Kubernetes


A Kustomize deployment for Lemmy.

Things to note:
  • This is heavily WIP. Do not use if you expect stability without constantly checking this repo while kinks are ironed.
  • This is unsupported from LemmyNet currently, and adapted from their docker-compose examples and documentation.
  • UID/GID 991 is used and expected for all deployments
  • Ingresses included. ingress-nginx usage expected.

This is WIP: My time is very limited, but I would like to get this to a good state for long-term usage. You can see an example of how I'm using it currently until it's all buttoned up and completed. For inspirational purposes you can see how I make use of this repo here

What's required?

  • A secret titled lemmy containing the following:
    • config.hjson
    • pictrs-api-key
  • Postgres server
  • a (optional) PVC for pictrs
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pictrs-media
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
  storageClassName: slow-ceph-block