
Experimentation with NgRx and the Facade Pattern

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The point of this project is to test out NgRx features and more specifically play around with implementing the NgRx facade pattern by Thomas Burleson.

The project is running Angular v13 with Angular Material. The application itself is a simple todo list.

What is the Facade Pattern?

Facades in an Angular and NgRx context, is simply a way to create an abstraction between components and the store. Instead of components directly injecting the NgRx store, they inject a facade, which masks the NgRx artifacts. This simplifies the use of the store and removes the direct dependency to NgRx in every component that needs to access the store.

Creating a facade in Angular is also simple, as it is essentially just a service (an @Injectable).

How to Run

Install Dependencies

$ npm install

Run Application

$ npm run start

Run Tests

$ npm run test
