
:speaker: Language Classifier

Primary LanguagePython


Language Classifier

What ?

Every language has a different grammar pattern, and sometimes people mix the grammars while writing text in English. We would like to use this idea and extend our knowledge in machine learning and natural language processing to figure out if this is doable.

Data Collected on ICNALE-Written

Country Code Country Writers/Essays # of Tokens
ENS* USA, UK,CAN, AUS, NZ 200/ 400 88,792
HKG** Hong Kong 100/ 200 46,111
PAK** Pakistan 200/ 400 93,100
PHL** Philippines 200/ 400 96,586
SIN** Singapore 200/ 400 96,733
CHN*** China 400/ 800 194,613
IDN*** Indonesia 200/ 400 92,316
JPN*** Japan 400/ 800 176,537
KOR*** Korea 300/ 600 130,626
THA*** Thailand 400/ 800 176,936
TWN*** Taiwan 200/ 400 89,736
Total --- 2,800/ 5,600 1,282,086*

*Inner Circle

**Outer Circle

***Expanding Circle

What each file name means:

S/W Country Topic/ Trial Serial CEFR
PTJ: part-time job A2_0: A2
S: Speech CHN, ENS, HKG, IDN, JPN,TWN SMK: non-smoking B1_1: B1 Lower
W: Writing KOR, PAK, PHL, SIN, THA, 0 Essay 001-999 B1_2: B1 Upper
1 Speech (Trial 1) B2_0: B2 +
2 Speech (Trial 2) For NS
XX_1 Students
XX_2 Teachers
XX_3 Others

What terms in XLSX file mean:

About essays or speeches

Term Meaning
Code File code
PTJ (wds) The number of words in one essay or speech
SMK (wds) The number of words in one essay or speech

About participants' background

Term Meaning
Country Participant's country or area
Sex Participant's sex
Age Participant's age
Grade Participant's school grade (1, 2, 3, 4
Major (Occupation) In case of students, their major at colleges; in case of employed people, their job.
Academic Genres Only for students: Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, and Life Science

About participants' proficiency

Term Meaning
Proficiency Test Test name such as TOEIC or TOEFL
Score Score in the test above
VST Score in the vocabulary size test (full mark is 50) This test measures participants' L2 lexical knowledge with a ceiling of 5,000 words.
CEFR CEFR levels: A2, B1_1, B1_2, B2+. Estimated from participants' scores in the proficiency test or in the vocabulary size test

About participants' motivation

Term Meaning
INTM Integrative Motivation Score
INSM Instrumental Motivation Score
INTM+INSM Strength of Motivation
INTM-INSM Integrative Motivation Orientation Score

About participants' L2 learning experiences

Term Meaning
Primary How much a participant studies English in their primary school days (1 to 6 points)
Secondary How much a participant studies English in their secondary school days (1 to 6 points)
College How much a participant studies English in their college days (1 to 6 points)
Inschool How much a participant studies English in class (1 to 6 points)
Outschool How much a participant studies English outside class, namely, at home, in the community etc (1 to 6 points)
Listening How much a participant studies listening (1 to 6 points)
Reading How much a participant studies reading (1 to 6 points)
Speaking How much a participant studies speaking (1 to 6 points)
Writing How much a participant studies writing (1 to 6 points)
NS How much a participant has been taught by English native participant (1 to 6 points)
Pronunciation How much a participant has been taught by English native participant (1 to 6 points)
Presentation How much a participant has been taught presentation (1 to 6 points)
Essay Writing How much a participant has been taught essay writing (1 to 6 points)

Done :

  1. Average Sentence Length

  2. Grammar Check

  3. Spelling Check

  4. Word Count

  5. Function Words Count

  6. POS Bigrams and Trigrams


  1. Select more and different features. Use ngrams, tfidf etc

  2. Apply dimensionality reduction

  3. Check again on classifiers

  4. We first convert each of the essays in our training data to a list of parts of speech using Stanford’s parts of speech tagger [5]. For example, the sentence ”This is a paper” would be converted to (determiner, third person verb, determiner, singular noun). We then take consecutive 2-sequences of parts of speech, and count the frequency of each 2-sequence in all of the training essays for a language of origin. Thus, each language has its own model of parts of speech frequencies. Then, for each essay in our test data, we find the likelihood of the sequence of parts of speech from that essay appearing in each language based on our models. The prediction is the language that results in the highest likelihood.

  5. We also need to find the sentence structures (subject-verb-object kind of structures !). Search how to do that !


  1. Install nltk, textblob, sklearn, pandas


  • First output : Logisitic Regression gives 44.9% f1 measure ! LOSER ! After removing just some features (--removed ones), f1 measure comes down to 36.36% !

  • Removed commented out features : 0.48087431694

  • Information Gain with best splits ready ! Either not working, or I did remove good features. Well, does work !

  • Principal component analysis studying.