
JavaScript wrapper for the PagerDuty API

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

PDJS (PagerDuty based JavaScript API)

This is a simple client-side JavaScript wrapper to the PagerDuty API.

Making an API request

Setup PDJSobj

  1. First, you'll need the following dependencies included in your project to utilize PDJS.
    • pdjs.js -- you can download it and manually add it to your project. Or, npm i pagerduty-pdjs.
  2. Create a PDJSobj object, setting values for the subdomain, token, and api_version fields on the object.
var PDJS = new PDJSobj({
  subdomain: 'webdemo',
  token: 'rcgtBVpizBZQjDzE3Hub',    
  api_version: 'v1',
  logging: true
  • subdomain -- for this example we're using the webdemo, but you would want to put in your subdomain.
  • token -- your API token. The one above is to provide read-only access to the webdemo account. You can decide what kind of access your token will provide when you create it.
  • api_version -- By default, PDJS uses version 2 of the PagerDuty REST and Events API. To request version 1, the api version needs to be specified here. The api_version parameter is optional.

Call API:

The most basic way to make an API call with PDJS is to use the PDJS.api() function.

  res: 'services',
  data: {
    limit: 20,
  success: function (data) {
  • res -- the API endpoint and path you're calling*
  • data -- the query-string parameters that can be appended to the endpoint. This parameter is optional.
  • success -- the callback function that is called when the API call completes successfully. This is required.
  • error -- the callback function that is called when there is an error with the API call. This parameter is optional, though recommended.

*In additino to specififying the endpoint, the res parameter may have an ID in it. For example, here's how to get the notes for an incident with the ID of PNCII2E.

  res: 'incidents/PNCII2E/notes',
  success: function (data) {


POST and PUT requests are also supported.

For instance, the following snippet adds a contact_method for user: test@example.com, and then adding a notification rule to alert that email address after 900 minutes:

add_contact_method = function(user_id) {
    res: `users/${user_id}/contact_methods`,
    type: 'POST',
    data: {
      contact_method: {
        label: 'Added from PDJS',
    success: function (data) {
      console.log('New contact method ID: ' + data.contact_method.id)
      add_notification_rule(user_id, data.contact_method, 900)

add_notification_rule = function(user_id, contact_method, start_delay_in_minutes) {
    res: `users/${user_id}/notification_rules`,
    type: 'POST',
    data: {
      notification_rule: {
          type: "assignment_notification_rule",
          contact_method: contact_method,
          start_delay_in_minutes: start_delay_in_minutes,
          urgency: "high"
    success: function (data) {
      console.log('New notification rule ID: ' + data.notification_rule.id)


To see this code in action go to the add_contact_method example.

The api_all helper

In addition to PDJS.api() there's also PDJS.api_all() which is a helper method that will handle limits and offsets for lists longer than 100 elements:

  res: 'incidents',
  data: {
    since: '2013-08-01T09:53:17-07:00',
    until: '2013-08-14T09:53:17-07:00',
    status: 'resolved',
    fields: 'incident_number,status,created_on,service'
  final_success: function(data) {
    console.log(data.total + ' objects!');
  incremental_success: function(data) {
    console.log('Got data');

It works the same as PDJS.api(), except you'll need to specify one or more of:

  • a function to run on final_success at the end
  • a function to run on each incremental_success

That's kind of nifty.


To get an idea for how PDJS works, there's an examples directory:

  • examples/incidents.html polls the incidents api and displays the triggered & acknowledged incidents
  • examples/report.html shows off api_all by looping through all the events on my webdemo account for the last 30 days and prints them out as a CSV-esque thing that you could paste into a CSV file

Compiling the Base Script:

PDJS is written in CoffeeScript. To make changes to the library, you'll edit the coffee/pdjsbase.coffee file and compile it by running the command below from the pdjs directory to produce the JavaScript.

coffee --output js/pdjs.js --compile --watch coffee/

More info

This project is for client-side JavaScript. If you're looking for a Node library, we recommend the node-pagerduty library.

Are you using this library or have questions? Let us know by posting to the PagerDuty Community Developer Forum.

You might notice that PDJS sends along some extra parameters, nothing scary, we use those to track QoS across our language-specific libraries.