
  • deploy: build and deploy the server as a lambda function using serverless.js
  • install-webhook: install the webhook for your github org
  • start: run the server from build
  • build: build the server to build
  • dev: run the server locally

environment variables

for the full list of required environment variables see .env.example.

port: port on which to run the webserver when testing locally githubGraphQLApi: Github Graphql API endpoint. Use: githubToken: github personal access token with the following permissions: repo, read:org, read:public_key, user, read:gpg_key: githubUsername: used for auth when installing the webhook githubOrg: org name under which the webhook listener for pull requests will be installed metricName: name of the metric that we are shipping to datadog datadogApiKey: used when sending custom metrics to datadog through their rest API