
CS4320 Alarm Clock Use Case and Description

Scott Watkins

CS4320 Alarm Clock Use Case and Description

The clock shows the time of day. Using buttons, the user can set the hours and minutes fields individually, and choose between 12 and 24-hour display.

It is possible to set one or two alarms. When an alarm fires, it will sound some noise. The user can turn it off, or choose to “snooze”. If the user does not respond at all, the alarm will turn off itself after 2 minutes. “Snoozing” means to turn off the sound, but the alarm will fire again after some minutes of delay. This “snoozing time” is pre-adjustable.

Use Case Diagram

Name Set Current Time
Description The current time will be displayed on the app. User is able to Set Current Time, which will include buttons for Set 12 or 24 Hour Format, Set Hours, and Set Minutes.
Actors User
Triggers User selects option to edit current time
Pre-Condition Previously set time is displayed
Post-Condition Time updated to user specification
Main Course User clicks increment or decrement buttons to change hours and/or minutes until desired time is achieved
Alternate Courses User clicks button to toggle between 12 and 24 hour time format
Exceptions User selects button to cancel setting time


Name Set Alarm 1 Time
Description Allows the user to set or change a time for alarm 1 to fire
Actors User
Triggers User selects button to set alarm time
Pre-Condition Alarm not currently firing
Post-Condition Alarm will sound once current time reaches set alarm time
Main Course User clicks increment or decrement buttons to change hours and/or minutes until desired alarm time is achieved
Alternate Courses User disables alarm
Exceptions User selects button to cancel setting alarm


Name Set Alarm 2 Time
Description Allows the user to set or change a time for alarm 2 to fire
Actors User
Triggers User selects button to set alarm time
Pre-Condition Alarm not currently firing
Post-Condition Alarm will sound once current time reaches set alarm time
Main Course User clicks increment or decrement buttons to change hours and/or minutes until desired alarm time is achieved
Alternate Courses User disables alarm
Exceptions User selects button to cancel setting alarm


Name Set Snooze Duration
Description User can determine how long system waits to re-fire alarm after snooze button is pressed during a firing alarm
Actors User
Triggers Set Snooze Duration button selected
Pre-Condition Alarm not currently firing and/or Snooze not disabled
Post-Condition Quiet time between firing alarm and next firing alarm will be set to user-desired setting
Main Course User clicks increment or decrement buttons to change minutes until desired snooze time is achieved, between 1 and 59 minutes
Alternate Courses User selects button to disable Snooze function
Exceptions User selects button to cancel Snooze Duration edit


Name Snooze
Description User may press a button to silence alarm for Snooze Duration previously set
Actors User; System
Triggers User presses Snooze button during firing alarm; No input for 2 minutes during firing alarm
Pre-Condition Alarm currently firing; Snooze duration set
Post-Condition Alarm discontinues firing for previously set Snooze Duration
Main Course User selects button to Snooze alarm during an alarm firing. Alarm will silence for snooze duration
Alternate Courses User may select button to disable alarm instead of snooze; system triggers snooze due to 2 minutes of inactivity during alarm firing
Exceptions Snooze function is disabled, so user will not see Snooze option during alarm


Name Turn Off Alarm
Description User turns off a firing alarm
Actors User
Triggers User selects button to turn off alarm during a firing alarm
Pre-Condition Alarm time set; Alarm Firing
Post-Condition Alarm silences
Main Course During a firing alarm, user selects button to turn off alarm
Alternate Courses User Snoozes alarm
Exceptions N/A