
My development environment setup

Primary LanguageLua


This is for conveniently setting up my usual development environment on a new machine, whether Ubuntu or Mac OSX. To use the automated installation script, simply run setup_ubuntu.sh or setup_osx.sh for Ubuntu and Mac OSX respectively.

Common Packages

There are some common packages installed for both operating systems:

  • VIM
  • Python + PIP
  • NodeJS
  • CouchDB
  • Git
  • Tmux
  • Mysql
  • Imagemagick
  • Graphviz
  • Ctags

VIM plugins, Python packages and NodeJS packages are common across both operating systems.

VIM Plugins

  • pathogen
  • bufexplorer
  • indentLine
  • snipmate
  • delimitmate
  • supertab
  • syntastic
  • easymotion
  • vim-surround
  • vim-virtualenv
  • NERDTree
  • NERDCommenter
  • Fugitive
  • vim-airline
  • ctrlp
  • matchit
  • tagbar
  • tabularize
  • python-mode
  • jedi-vim

Python packages

  • Django
  • Tornado
  • Virtualenv
  • Mysql-python
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • ipython
  • jedi
  • pyflakes
  • pep8

NodeJS packages

  • express
  • cssmin
  • jshint
  • jslint
  • uglify-js
  • bower
  • grunt-cli

Ubuntu Installation

For Ubuntu, the installation script is going to install and configure some extra packages:

  • awesome Window Manager
  • mutt
  • moc
  • weechat
  • bitlbee
  • urlscan