
Export Safari reading list to JSON or CSV

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Export Safari reading list to CSV or JSON


Sample results




The plistlib module:

pip install plistlib

Tested on mac 11.4 Big Sur, Safari 14.1.1.


Basic usage:

  • Export to CSV:
    python export_reading_list.py csv reading_list.csv
    will write the reading list to reading_list.csv.
  • Export to JSON:
    python export_reading_list.py json reading_list.json
    will write the reading list to reading_list.json.


  • Also copy the reading list icons:
    python export_reading_list.py csv reading_list.csv --dir-icons-out reading_list_icons
    copies the icons to the folder reading_list_icons. They match up to the entries through the WebBookmarkUUID key.
  • Specify the source directory for the icons:
    python export_reading_list.py csv reading_list.csv --dir-icons ~/Library/Safari/ReadingListArchives
    The default is ~/Library/Safari/ReadingListArchives.
  • Specify the source directory for the reading list .plist file:
    python export_reading_list.py csv reading_list.csv --fname-bookmarks ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist
    The default is ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist.
  • Include cached data for the websites:
    python export_reading_list.py csv reading_list.csv --include-data
    The data is written to the Data field. The default is the --exclude-data option, which excludes the data.


To generate the website from the website_template folder, run:

python website.py reading_list.json reading_list_icons

The output is in the website_out folder.
