This is an XML-RPC client implementation in elisp, capable of both synchronous and asynchronous method calls (using the url package’s async retrieval functionality).
XML-RPC is remote procedure calls over HTTP using XML to describe the function call and return values.
xml-rpc.el represents XML-RPC datatypes as lisp values, automatically converting to and from the XML datastructures as needed, both for method parameters and return values, making using XML-RPC methods fairly transparent to the lisp code.
If you use ELPA, and have configured the NonGNU ELPA or MELPA repository, then M-x package-install RET xml-rpc RET
interface. This is preferable as you will have access to updates automatically.
If you would like to use ELPA, but this is your first time to use it, or NonGNU ELPA/MELPA, then try evaluating the following code in emacs:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(unless (package-installed-p 'xml-rpc)
(url-insert-file-contents "")
Otherwise, just make sure this file in your load-path (usually ~/.emacs.d
is included) and put
(require 'xml-rpc)
in your ~/.emacs
or ~/.emacs.d/init.el
xml-rpc.el uses the url package for http handling and xml.el
for XML parsing or, if you have Emacs 27+ with libxml
included, libxml
. The url package that is part of Emacs works fine.
Please use M-x xml-rpc-submit-bug-report
to report bugs directly to the maintainer, or use github’s issue system.
XML-RPC datatypes are represented as follows
type | data |
int | 42 |
float/double | 42.0 |
string | “foo” |
base64 | (list :base64 |
(base64-encode-string “hello” t)) | |
’(:base64 “aGVsbG8=”) | |
array | ‘(1 2 3 4) ‘(1 2 3 (4.1 4.2)) [ ] |
’(:array ((“not” “a”) (“struct” “!”))) | |
struct | ’((“name” . “daniel”) |
(“height” . 6.1)) | |
dateTime | ’(:datetime (1234 124)) |
Here follows some examples demonstrating the use of xml-rpc.el
(xml-rpc-method-call "http://localhost:80/RPC" 'foo-method foo bar zoo)
(defun cb-foo (foo)
(print (format "%s" foo)))
(xml-rpc-method-call-async 'cb-foo "http://localhost:80/RPC"
'foo-method foo bar zoo)
These were last tested working on 2020-09-06.
(xml-rpc-method-call ""
'examples.getStateName '(1))
Results in:
(mapconcat (lambda (s) (when s s))
(xml-rpc-method-call ""
", ")
Results in:
wp.getUsersBlogs, wp.newPost, wp.editPost, wp.deletePost, wp.getPost, wp.getPosts, wp.newTerm, wp.editTerm, wp.deleteTerm, wp.getTerm, wp.getTerms, wp.getTaxonomy, wp.getTaxonomies, wp.getUser, wp.getUsers, wp.getProfile, wp.editProfile, wp.getPage, wp.getPages, wp.newPage, wp.deletePage, wp.editPage, wp.getPageList, wp.getAuthors, wp.getCategories, wp.getTags, wp.newCategory, wp.deleteCategory, wp.suggestCategories, wp.uploadFile, wp.deleteFile, wp.getCommentCount, wp.getPostStatusList, wp.getPageStatusList, wp.getPageTemplates, wp.getOptions, wp.setOptions, wp.getComment, wp.getComments, wp.deleteComment, wp.editComment, wp.newComment, wp.getCommentStatusList, wp.getMediaItem, wp.getMediaLibrary, wp.getPostFormats, wp.getPostType, wp.getPostTypes, wp.getRevisions, wp.restoreRevision, blogger.getUsersBlogs, blogger.getUserInfo, blogger.getPost, blogger.getRecentPosts, blogger.newPost, blogger.editPost, blogger.deletePost, metaWeblog.newPost, metaWeblog.editPost, metaWeblog.getPost, metaWeblog.getRecentPosts, metaWeblog.getCategories, metaWeblog.newMediaObject, metaWeblog.deletePost, metaWeblog.getUsersBlogs, mt.getCategoryList, mt.getRecentPostTitles, mt.getPostCategories, mt.setPostCategories, mt.supportedMethods, mt.supportedTextFilters, mt.getTrackbackPings, mt.publishPost,, pingback.extensions.getPingbacks, demo.sayHello, demo.addTwoNumbers, wpStats.get_key, wpStats.check_key, wpStats.get_blog_id, wpStats.get_site_id, wpStats.update_bloginfo, wpStats.update_postinfo, wpStats.ping_blog, wpStats.flush_posts, wpcom.get_user_blogids, wpcom.getFeatures, wpcom.addApplicationPassword, wpcom.blackberryUploadFile, wpcom.blackberryGetUploadingFileKeys, wpcom.getUsersSubs, wpcom.set_mobile_push_notification_settings, wpcom.get_mobile_push_notification_settings, wpcom.mobile_push_register_token, wpcom.mobile_push_unregister_token, wpcom.mobile_push_set_blogs_list, wpcom.mobile_push_win_phone_get_last_notification