This is my Python3 solution to the Insight Data Engineering Code Challenge, for the January 2018 session.
by Y. Liu
The description of the problem can be found atDescription of the solution:
The solution only uses Python3 standard libraries. The python3 script is
. To execute, run./
. No "exotic" packages needed. -
Two dictionaries are used to store the information of donations when parsing the input file line by line.
- recipient_zip_pair: the key is (recipient, zipcode), and the value is a MedianList instance (for the detail of the class, see below).
- recipient_date_pair: the key is (recipient, date), and the value is a list that stores all corresponding transactions.
The input file is read line by line. Here buffering is set to -1, which is the system default value, when opening the input file.
For each line, first validate the data. If valid, write a line to the medianvals_by_zip.txt (if zipcode is valid), and stores the data to the dictionaries.
After recording all data, analyze and write to medianvals_by_date.txt.
The MedianList class is used to efficiently calculate the running median. Two heaps are maintained for each (recipient, zipcode) pair: One stores the larger half of transactions, and the other one stores the rest. This class has a O(1) complexity to get the median, and O(logn) complexity to add a transaction to it.