
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Curriculum Vitae



This is a HTML version of my Curriculum Vitae. It was inspired by this repository, but I decided to build a new version myself, giving me the opportunity to get to know Jekyll as well as give it my own twist.


This project can be run either by using Docker or using Bundler. However it should also work just by hosting it on Github and setting up Github Pages.


  • First clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/antiftw/cv.git
  • Setup and run:

Either using Docker:

docker compose up

or Bundler (for information how to install go here):

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve --verbose --trace
  • You can then find the CV at http://localhost:4000




docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up


Since the official jekyll/jekyll Docker image is not suited for arm architecture, there's also a docker-compose file especially to be able to host this blog on a Raspberry Pi. It is at the moment configured for arm/64 (based on the official Ruby arm64v8 image), but there is a comment on how to switch to the older arm/32 (based on the official Ruby arm32v7 image) architecture.

You can build and run this image using:

docker compose -f docker-compose-arm.yml build 
docker compose -f docker-compose-arm.yml up

Github Pages

Github Pages:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Go to the settings page.
  • Click on Pages under Code and Automation header in the side-menu.
  • Select the main branch under Branch to set it as the source and click Save.
  • The Github pages site will now be built from the branch, give it a moment to complete.
  • The site should now be available under https://<user>.github.io/cv/.
