
My hugo blog

Primary LanguageHTML

My new blog

This is my new hugo blog. Mental note: Document how stuff works because being unable to even operate this machinery when you want to write a post is not going to make you want to write more posts.

How to deploy

This blog is hosted on netlify, and it's set up to deploy the site whenever the master branch gets pushed.

How to test out stuff

The develop branch deploys to the test blog setup in netlify, definitely check that out too.


These live in static/_redirects; They follow netlify's scheme.


{{<video ... >}}

This allows embedding videos, screencasts.

To create the compatible videos from a QuickTime screen recording, use:

INPUT=the-video-file.mov   # set this to your filename
MP4="$(basename "$INPUT" .mov).mp4"
ffmpeg -i "$INPUT" ~blog/assets/videos/"$MP4"

{{<image ...>}}

{{<image src="images/neat-part-you-cant.jpg" alt="That's the neat part: you can't.">}}

Images, scaled right.