
Test repo for an issue I saw with go's httputil.ReverseProxy, http.Server's ReadHeaderTimeout and websocket connections

Primary LanguageGo

Test repro repository for boinkor-net/tsnsrv#21

This reduces my problem down to a fairly easily-reproducible set of test cases. What I see:

  • The stdlib net listeners all work the way you'd expect: websocket connections can be established, whether directly or through the httputil.ReverseProxy.

  • The listeners created by tailscale's tsnet.Server do not always work: The proxy listening on a tsnet listener consistently has websocket connections time out, and the direct http handler occasionally (but not always) times out for me.

To run the tests

The stdlib tests don't require anything special.

The tailscale tests require the following env vars to be set:

  • TS_AUTHKEY - an authentication key that creates a tailscale node with ACL tags that allow your local machine (also that tailnet) to connect to its :80 port.
  • TSNET_SRV_NAME - a free machine name on your tailnet, used for the reverse proxy test
  • TSNET_DIRECT_SRV_NAME - a free machine name on your tailnet, used for the direct connection test