
Vagrant plugin enabling user specific configuration values

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Nugrant Build Status

Nugrant is a library to easily handle parameters that need to be injected into an application via different sources (system, user, project, defaults).

But Nugrant is foremost a Vagrant plugin that will enhance Vagrantfile to allow user specific configuration values. The plugin will let users define a .vagrantuser file at different locations. This file will contain parameters that will be injected into the Vagrantfile.



If you would like to use Nugrant as a library, simply reference it as a dependency of your application. Probably by adding it to your Gemfile or your .gemspec file.

nugrant ~> 1.0.0


If you would like to use Nugrant as a Vagrant plugin, the detailed installation steps are provided below. Without a doubt, you need Vagrant installed for those steps to work ;)

First of all, Vagrant's plugin system is very well done and Nugrant supports version v1 (1.0.z branch, like 1.0.7) and v2 (1.y.z branch, like 1.1.3). However, the installation procedure between the two versions is different.

To know which version you currently have installed, type vagrant -v in a terminal.

Version 1.0.z (latest version tested 1.0.7)

In this version, there is two different ways to install Nugrant. You can install it via Vagrant or directly via the system gem container.

When you install via Vagrant, the main benefit is that it's decoupled from other system gems. There is less chance for this gem's dependencies, even if they are minimal, to clash with gems already installed on your system. This is the recommended installation method. To install, simply run in a terminal:

> vagrant gem install nugrant

If you prefer to install the gem in via the system gem container, please use this command instead:

> gem install nugrant

Version 1.y.z (latest version tested 1.1.3)

In those versions, probably until 2.y.z is out, there is a new way to install and register plugin with the Vagrant environment.

To install when using one of this versions, simply run in a terminal:

> vagrant plugin install nugrant

Since the plugin system has been completely rewritten in those versions, it is not possible anymore to make the plugin available within Vagrant when installing Nugrant in the system gem container.


Whether used as a library or a Vagrant plugin, Nugrant has some common concepts that apply to both usages. The most important one is the parameters hierarchy.

Nugrant can read parameters from various locations and will merge them all together in a single set. Merging is done in a fairly standard fashion.

Here the precedence rules that apply when merging parameters from various location:

  • Defaults
  • System
  • User
  • Project

In text, this means that project parameters overrides user parameters, user parameters overrides system parameters and finally system parameters overrides defaults parameters.


Using Nugrant as a library to handle parameters from various location is really easy. Two main classes need to be handled.

First, you need to create a Nugrant::Config object. This configuration holds the values that needs to be customized by your own application. This includes the different parameters paths and the format of the parameters file.


For example, let say the git repository you want to expose is not located under the root folder of your Vagrantfile. That means you will need to specify an absolute host path to share the folder on the guest vm.

Your Vagrantfile would look like this:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.vm.share_folder "git", "/git", "/home/user/work/git"

However, what happens when multiple developers need to share the same Vagrantfile? This is the main use case this plugin address.

When Vagrant starts, via any of the vagrant commands, it loads all vagrant plugins it founds under the GEM_PATH variable. If you installed the plugin with one of the two methods we listed above, you DO NOT need to setup this environment variable.

To use the plugin, first create a yaml file named .vagrantuser where your Vagrantfile is located. The file must be a valid yaml file:

vm_port: 2223
  project: "/home/user/work/git"

The configuration hierarchy you define in the .vagrantuser file is imported into the config object of the Vagrantfile under the key user. So, with the .vagrantuser file above, you could have this Vagrantfile that abstract absolute paths.

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.ssh.port config.user.vm_port

  config.vm.share_folder "git", "/git", config.user.repository.project

This way, paths can be customized by every developer. They just have to add a .vagrantuser file where user specific configuration values can be specified. The .vagrantuser should be ignored by you version control system so it is to committed with the project.

Additionally, you can also have a .vagrantuser under your user home directory. This way, you can set parameters that will be available to all your Vagrantfile'. The project .vagrantuserfile will overrides parameters defined in the.vagrantuser` file defined in the user home directory

For example, you have .vagrantuser file located at ~/.vagrantuser that has the following content:

vm_port: 2223
  project: "/home/user/work/git"

And another .vagrantuser at the root of your Vagrantfile:

vm_port: 3332
  personal: "/home/user/personal/git"

Then, the Vagrantfile could be defined like this:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.ssh.port config.user.vm_port

  config.vm.share_folder "git", "/git", config.user.repository.project
  config.vm.share_folder "personal", "/personal", config.user.repository.personal

That would be equivalent to:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.ssh.port 3332

  config.vm.share_folder "git", "/git", "/home/user/work/git"
  config.vm.share_folder "personal", "/personal", "/home/user/personal/git"

As you can see, the parameters defined in the second .vagrantuser file (the project one) overrides settings defined in the .vagrantuser found in the home directory (the user one).

Parameters access

Parameters in the Vagrantfile can be retrieved via method call of array access.

config.user['repository']['project'] # Array access
config.user.repository.project       # Method access

You can even mix the two if you want, but we do not recommend it since its always better to be consistent:

config.user['repository'].project # Mixed access
config.user.repository['project'] # Mixed access

Only the root key, i.e. config.user, cannot be access with both syntax, only the method syntax can be used since this is not provided by this plugin but by Vagrant itself.

Default values

When using parameters, it is often needed so set default values for certain parameters so if the user does not define one, the default value will be picked up.

For example, say you want a parameter that will hold the ssh port of the vm. This parameter will be accessible via the parameter config.user.vm.ssh_port.

You can use the following snippet directly within your Vagrantfile to set a default value for this parameter:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.user.defaults = {
    "vm" => {
      "ssh_port" => "3335"

  config.ssh.port config.user.vm.ssh_port

With this Vagrantfile, the parameter config.user.vm.ssh_port will default to 3335 in cases where it is not defined by the user.

If the user decides to change it, he just has to set it in his own .vagrantuser and it will override the default value defined in the Vagrantfile.

Vagrant commands

In this section, we describe the various vagrant commands defined by this plugin that can be used to interact with it.


This command will print the currently defined parameters at the given location. All rules are respected when using this command. It is usefull to see what parameters are available and what are the current values of those parameters.


> vagrant user parameters
      cookbooks_path: /Users/Chef/kitchen/cookbooks
      nodes_path: /Users/Chef/kitchen/nodes
      roles_path: /Users/Chef/kitchen/roles


You can contribute by filling issues when something goes wrong or was not what you expected. I will do my best to fix the issue either in the code or in the documentation, where applicable.

You can also send pull requests for any feature or improvement you think should be included in this plugin. I will evaluate each of them and merge them as fast as possible.