Heap analysis is a pure-Rust implementation to track memory allocations on the heap.
Heap analysis provides a custom allocator that wraps the application's own allocator. To use it, add a dependency to this crate and declare it as the global allocator like this:
/// Global allocator wrapping other allocator.
static ALLOC: heaptrack_rust_track::TrackingAllocator<std::alloc::System> = TrackingAllocator(std::alloc::System);
fn main() {
// Rest of application
By default, the allocator streams its data to localhost:64123
. This address can be configured with the environment
- Start the analysis program in one terminal:
cargo run --release --bin analyze
- Start the program to analyze in another terminal:
cargo run --example flow_controlled --release -- -w 8
- Observe the output of the
- Thread terminations are not communicated to analysis layer.
- All serialization is performed by a single thread. This thread can bottleneck the outgoing data.
- Obtaining the backtrace is slow. It gets slightly faster once all symbols have been resolved.