
A python wrapped C++ physics simulation framework for various sim paradigms, like FEM, FVM, FDM.

Primary LanguageC++


     _   _ _                  
 ___|_|_| | |_ ___ ___ ___ ___
|   | | . |   | . | . | . |  _|
|_|_|_|___|_|_|___|_  |_  |_|  
      v0.6.8      |___|___|    

git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

mkdir build

|-- src/
|   |-- Math/
|   |   |-- vectorMath.cc
|   |   |-- vectorMath.py
|   |   |-- ...
|   |-- ...
|-- tests/
|-- build/

inside build directory->
cmake ..

Requires libsilo-dev so "sudo apt-get install libsilo-dev" if you don't already have it.

Hopefully you already have python somewhere...

Consult the Classes.md files in src subdirectories for interface guides.