Game developed for the Spain Game Dev Jam 2023 by Antimundo using Godot 4.3. Link to the game.
This game was done in very little time for a gamejam, so don't expect the code to be too great.
- Code: All the source code is open source under the MIT license, so do whatever you want with it. Redistribute it, modify it, create a new game... I don't know, feel free to do whatever you want.
- Sprites: Also feel free to use the assets of the game, it would be cool if you credit me if you use them, but it's not mandatory.
- Music: I didn't make the music of this game. The music is made by Frederic Lardon, from his album Cellphone under CC0 so it's public domain. Link to the album.
Poder Solar is a game about supplying a city with electricity during the night, while trying to not create too much pollution.