- 2
#149 opened by Poorneshmindteck - 0
Potential integer overflow in sds.c
#150 opened by Crispy-fried-chicken - 1
Unexpected behaviour
#145 opened - 2
- 3
#143 opened by jcorporation - 0
How can i clear the string without freeing it?
#141 opened by prajwalch - 0
sdscatfmt doesn't support flags
#131 opened by midn1 - 3
Question: Violation of Strict Aliasing Rule ?
#130 opened by Ursescu - 1
will not compile in vs2013
#7 opened by jseward - 1
sdscat & sdscatsds in-place?
#119 opened by drkameleon - 1
malloc/realloc only powers of two?
#117 opened by ericcurtin - 2
Null Dereferences v2.0.0
#99 opened by PatriciaSVMonteiro - 1
Some confusions on sdshdr5 & sdshdr8 on key/value actual memory usage and MEMORY USAGE command
#111 opened by houximing - 0
sds and interrupts
#110 opened by k1mgy - 1
- 1
Error in example
#105 opened by emilfihlman - 1
Pull requests
#86 opened by EvilPudding - 1
Make install target
#97 opened by topilski - 3
- 2
C90 Compliance
#74 opened by dagostinelli - 0
Dead Store v.2.0.0
#100 opened by PatriciaSVMonteiro - 0
#47 opened by jiajunhuang - 0
README mistake: sdstrim does not return void
#91 opened by tliron - 0
- 0
Memleak in sds.c:40
#87 opened by vkazanov - 2
- 1
Memory leak?
#57 opened by Tangerino - 0
Errors in the Reference Manual
#79 opened - 6
sds doesn't compile as C++
#30 opened by lemzwerg - 0
Potential NULL pointer usage
#67 opened by Tangerino - 0
realloc without checking the return value
#54 opened by Tangerino - 0
Typos in docs
#51 opened by Tangerino - 1
memory leak in sdssplitlen() ?
#43 opened by vtavares00dev - 4
A question in sdsIncrLen
#39 opened by aronlt - 1
why not use macro to get the address of sdshdr?
#40 opened by aronlt - 0
valgrind reports realloc-related memory leaks
#41 opened by roblatham00 - 0
realloc may return NULL
#23 opened by 2ghostc - 0
Use attribute 'warn_unused_result'
#11 opened by nkurz - 0
reserved identifier violation
#19 opened by elfring - 1
package.json for clibs?
#3 opened by jwerle