
Get new youtube video notifs, on telegram!

Primary LanguagePython

YouTube Feeds Bot.

Send notification to your telegram group/channel/private whenever a new video is uploaded on a youtube channel!


  • BOT_TOKEN - Your telegram bot token.
  • REDIS_URL - Redis Database URL.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD - Redis Database Password.
  • CHANNEL_ID - YouTube channel id, eg: UCykFIBKkj5ce3SggtaYSwtQ
  • CHATS - Chat id(s) split by space, to send notifications to.
  • TIME_DELAY - Interval between checks, in seconds. defaulted as 7200 (2hrs)


This can be deployed to any platform.

  • Click to deploy to Heroku
  • Qovery:
    Redis url and password need not be added manually and qovery db can be used.
  • Locals:
    git clone https://github.com/xditya/YouTubeFeeds && cd YouTubeFeeds
    pip install -r req*
    touch .env && nano .env - fill up your vars.
    python bot.py
