
Perixx MX 2000 IIB Gaming Mouse Linux Driver

Primary LanguageC

mx2000drv is a Linux driver for the Perixx MX-2000 series gaming mice. It is capable of setting all the configurations for the mouse (remapping buttons, backlight colors and times, macros, sensitivity, DPI) and saving to profiles in the onboard memory.


Dependencies: HIDAPI for communicating with the mouse. Version 0.5.0 and below used only libusb, but it was discovered this was not compatible with Mac when using HID devices (including this mouse).

On Mac, you must install a very recent version of HIDAPI, probably using the github version and installing from source. 0.8.0 does not include the changes necessary to attach to the right USB interface of the mouse.

  1. make
  2. sudo make install

To use this right after installing, you should do one of the following (to use the driver without being root):

  • Unplug and re-plug-in the mouse
  • Restart
  • run:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger




  • -h, --help
  • -p, --profile=PROFILE There are 4 mouse configurations stored in memory, one of them is active at any given time. Use this option to target a particular mouse profile to read from or change. When not specified, assumes the current active configuration.
  • -v, --verbose
  • -V, --version


Configuration Commands

inspecting or changing mouse profile settings. Provide all arguments to change a setting to be that value. Leave off the final optional argument to retrieve the current value of that setting.

  • profile [PROFILE]
    The active mouse profile, an integer 1-4. The -p option is ignored for this setting.
  • button NUM [ASSIGNMENT]
    Map the specified button number to perform ASSIGNMENT when clicked. See the man page for the assignment of mouse buttons to numbers.
  • macro NUM [SEQUENCE]
    Map button to perform key SEQUENCE when clicked. See the man page for the assignment of mouse buttons to numbers.
  • color [RGB]
    Mouse backlight color as 6-character hexadecimal. Mostly. When breathe is enabled, each pair of hex characters also controls the fade cycle period of each LED color. So mixed values will end up with a bit of a color cycle between them. Compare 00FFFF with 0084FF
  • breathe [ON|OFF]
    Whether the mouse LEDs fade and pulse over time
  • cycle [ON|OFF]
    Cycle through the RGB combinations, including intermediates (yellow, cyan, magenta), only for the LEDs enabled by color. So FFFFFF will cycle through all colors and intermediates. 00FFFF will not show red, or magenta, but will show all others.
  • lit [TIME]
    Number of seconds the backlight is steady on when breathe is enabled. Min: 0, Max: 15
  • dark [TIME]
    Number of seconds the backlight is off when breathe is enabled. Min: 0, Max: 15
  • pulse [TIME]
    Number of seconds the backlight takes to transition from lit to dark, when breathe is enabled. Min: 0, Max: 63
  • standby [TIME]
    Enable backlight TIME seconds after standby mode has come on. Min: 0, Max: 63
  • backlight [ON|OFF]
    Enable or disable the backlight mouse LEDs
  • sensitivity X|Y [VALUE]
    The pointer sensitivity, a value between -5 and 5, inclusive.
  • accel [SPEED]
    The mouse acceleration in milliseconds. Min: 0, Max: 255.
  • dpi PRESET [VALUE]
    Sets the resolution of a given DPI preset. PRESET must be a number 1-4. VALUE must be between 100 and 5600 in increments of 100
  • dpiset [PRESET]
    Sets or retrieves the active DPI preset (1-4).
  • poll [RATE]
    Mouse polling rate in Hz: 125, 250, 500, 1000

Bulk Commands

  • reset
    Resets all mouse configurations, settings, macros, and profiles to factory default. Similar to a recovery mode.
  • dump FILE
    Save the entire mouse configuration including all settings, macros, and profiles to a FILE. - may be provided in place of a file name for stdout.
  • load FILE
    Load the entire mouse configuration including all settings, macros, and profiles from a FILE into memory. - may be provided in place of a file name for stdin.


Get current profile: mx2000drv profile
Set the current profile to 3: mx2000drv profile 3
Set the backlight of the current profile to blue: mx2000drv color 0000ff
Set the polling rate of profile 2 to 500Hz: mx2000drv -p 2 poll 500
Get profile 1's X sensitivity: mx2000drv -p 1 sensitivity x
Get current acceleration value: mx2000drv accel
Save current mouse settings to file: mx2000drv dump mem.bin
Load settings into mouse: mx2000drv load mem.bin
Pipe current mouse settings into a hex viewer: mx2000drv dump - | xxd


  • The button and macro commands are not yet complete. See Issue #3 for status. As of writing, the button command accepts a 4-character hex sequence as input that corresponds to the USB keyboard scan codes for a key. This is not going to be the final interface. The macro command is entirely non-functional.
  • This is a userspace driver, not for use as part of the kernel
  • This driver is only for settings configuration. It does not interact with the pointer or keyboard interfaces of the mouse. These will continue to use the default HID driver.


Please feel free to open issues with improvements, or suggestions, bugs, etc. Pull requests are also welcome. Opening issues to discuss patches and features first are encouraged.


MX2000DRV - portable driver for the MX-2000 II gaming mouse
Copyright (C) 2015  Dan Panzarella

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

This software and all files included are licensed under the GPL v2. See doc/LICENSE for the full terms.