
4th place solution for Data Fusion 2021 Contest

Primary LanguagePython

Data Fusion 2021 Contest

4th place solution for Goodsification task of Data Fusion 2021 Contest.


Multiclass classification. Predict category of item from receipt based on its name and some additional data. There is a lot of unlabeled data (~3m items) and small part of labeled data (~48k items). Item names are very dirty.


  • Use only text data (names of items).
  • Train tokenizer from scratch on all data.
  • Pretrain small custom distilbert from scratch on all data as masked language model.
  • Train this distilbert on labeled data.
  • Make ensemble (simple average) of 3 such models with different tokenizers (wordpiece, BPE and unigram).

There was 500 mb solution size limit. So training small custom models helps.


File with data data_fusion_train.parquet should be added to data folder.

run_all.sh contains all steps to fully reproduce solution:

  • python src/prepare_data.py - prepare data for training language model and training on labeled data.
  • python src/train_tokenizers.py - train 3 different tokenizers.
  • python src/train_lm.py --config_path=src/configs/train_lm{1,2,3}.yaml - pretrain 3 language models with this tokenizers.
  • python src/train.py --config_path=src/configs/train{1,2,3}.yaml - train this models on labeled data.
  • python src/compress_models.py - save models without optimizer state, makes them much smaller. Saving without optimizer state during training didn't work as expected.

submit folder contains final submission. copy_to_submit.sh copies all required generated files to it.

Pretraining language models takes a lot of time. Smaller data file item_name_100k.txt can be used for testing purposes.