
AI-Toolkit collecting and implementing the AI modules for a TEACHING application.

Primary LanguagePython


AI-Toolkit collecting and implementing the AI modules for a TEACHING application.


A TEACHING app defines a computational graph as a docker.compose application. Such graph is composed of several nodes that act as Producers, Consumers or both. The communication (exchange of JSON based DataPackets) is handled by RabbitMQ in a completely transparent way. The AI-Toolkit collectes all the "nodes" that can be used for defining learning/eval modules implementing the overall AI features of any TEACHING app.

Base Python Classes

At the moment the AI-Toolkit offers the following base classes:

  • LearningModule: a Python class every learning module node can inherit from. It implements the basic API of a learning module node (both for inference/eval and training).
  • ESN: general Echo State Network (ESN) for sequential classification implemented in Tensorflow.

Currently Available Nodes

At the moment the AI-Toolkit offers:

  • StressModule: learning module for the stress prediction based on electrodermal activity, implemented in Tensorflow.
    • input topics: defined at the docker.compose level
    • output topics: "prediction.stress.value"
    • assumptions: it assumes each DataPacket processed has "eda" in its JSON

How to Use Nodes

Nodes can be instantiated at the docker.compose level (i.e. defining a new yaml file with the appropriate syntax: see the teaching-app repository for examples and further instructions). When adding a new node to the app, the input topic (i.e. the communication channel the node will listen to) needs to be defined there. The output topic is hardcoded into the node logic (and listed in the section above for easy reference).

When the TEACHING app starts, the node __init__ method will be run, followed by the _build method. The __call__ implements a Python generator: this means that if the node is a producer, it will yield DataPackage downstream; if it is a consumer it will loop over an input_fn (another generator) defined upstream in the computational graph.

How to Implement Custom Nodes

If you want to implement a new learning/eval module you can take the StressModule as a reference. Overall, you just need to define the three functions mentioned before: __init__, _build (can be void) and __call__. The only aspect that deserves a little attention is how to implement the __call__ method. First, it is important to think well if the node is a producer, a consumer, or both. This should be reflected into the decorator @TEACHINGNode(produce=True, consume=True). If consume=True then the __call__ method should have a input parameter input_fn that we can loop over to get new DataPackets from nodes upstream. If produce=True then the __call__ method needs to yield a DataPacket: this will be downstreamed automatically to the (eventual) consumer nodes.

Debug/Test Mode

First of all you need to setup your environment. If you are using Windows, you can install WSL2 and Docker Desktop. Then within Docker settings make sure to check the WSL integration tab and connect it to your virtual image. Once this is done you can run docker-compose directly within your WSL image (e.g. Ubuntu based). Alternatively, you can install and run everything from Windows powershell directly.

In order to debug your learning module we suggest to implement a __main__ method within the learning module script and to momentarily disable the @TEACHINGNode(produce=True, consume=True) decorator (again, you can take the StressModule as a reference). This way you can see if the method is working as expected implementing a debug script (see for example debug.py). Once you are happy with it, you can restore the decorator of the __call__ method and implement a simple scenario to test if the node is working within the teaching platform (you can take a look a scenario_1.yaml as a reference).

Once you have defined your myscenario.yaml you can run it simply by running the following lines of code:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/EU-TEACHING/teaching-app
cd teaching-app
mv myscenario.yaml scenarios/
docker-compose -f scenarios/myscenario.yaml up


Can I implement more methods into my learning module?

You can create as many methods as you like: just make sure they are called withing the __call__ method in the right order.

How can I pre-process data before using them for training or prediction?

You can implement you own data-processing method withing the main Python class and call it before passing the data to another train/eval method. You may need to create a node entirely dedicated to pre-processing only if multiple (many) nodes in the computational graph need that preprocessed output.

My tests with docker-compose fail. What can I do?

Make sure you have docker installed properly in your system using the latest stable version. If you are using Windows you can follow this guide. If you still encounter some issues try to run a simple scenario like scenario_1.yaml without modifying it. If this also fails it means the problem is mostly due to the installation of the TEACHING app dependencies (docker images, etc.) out of the scope of this repository.

Protobuf raises an error from within the AI-Toolkit, what can I do?

Try adding the following environment variable in your TEACHING app yaml file: PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python