Attack Graphs

This is a master thesis project that aims to improve the visualization of attack graphs. An attack graph is a graph that shows all the possible exploits a hacker could use to reach an important machine in a network.

File structure

  • assets: CSS files for the user interface,
  • clustering: methods that aim to cluster attack graphs,
  • embedding: methods that aim to create an embedding of an attack graph,
  • examples: some examples of how the methods affect attack graphs,
  • graphs_input: xml files that describe attack graphs,
  • installation: environment files to install the necessary packages,
  • metrics: methods that seek to evaluate the security of the network or the probability to reach one node,
  • ranking: methods that aim to rank nodes in an attack graph,
  • report: code to generate the figures of the report,
  • ui: code for the user interface.


conda env create --file installation/environment.yml
conda activate ag

Then, follow the instructions on this page to install Pytorch Geometric.

