
A template created with vanilla PHP for creating APIs

Primary LanguagePHP


A template created with vanilla PHP for creating APIs

  • [2021-01-29] - First version released | Writing the documentation
  • [2021-02-01] - Documentation update | Controller documentation written. Writing the other parts.
  • [2021-02-04] - Documentation update | Model, Database and Middleware documentation written. Writing the Helpers part.
  • [2021-02-24] - Documentation update | Validation helper written.HTTP helper in progress.

Getting started


All routes must be listed in the routes.php file. Path: src / Routes / routes.php


The recommended method for routes in version 1.0 is always the POST method, since with it is possible to redirect precisely which method must be executed inside the controller by the private ways method.

It is desirable that every route redirects to the resource method, this method is present in all controllers and it redirects to the desired path (See more about this in the controllers section).


All controllers need to extend the parent class Controller, the Controller class that has the resource method responsible for redirecting internal paths within the controller.

The ways method must be implemented in all controllers, and in it the distribution of the controller's internal paths must be implemented. (See image below)


Method Ways:

The ways method is responsible for handling the internal redirection and authentication of each route. The $ways array must contain as its index the "resource" and as its only two properties the method of the controller to be executed and the type of authentication, respectively.

The resource index of the ways method must always be sent as a parameter named as an underline (_) and the resource method will check if this resource exists within the ways method of the respective controller of that route and will execute the method if it is found , otherwise it will return an error. (See below for an example of requesting a route using the ways).


To access the values received in the request, just declare as a parameter of the method a variable called $data, it contains all the values sent in the request with the exception of the way (value declared with the underline).



All Models must extend the parent class Model. (All Models extending from the Model class have connection to the database by default)


Models are responsible for manipulating data, making queries to the database and returning the result to the controller, which will later return to the user.


To connect to the database we use the PDO connection, the database configuration process is extremely simple, just fill in the necessary fields in the db-config.php file

src / DB / db-config.php


Queries must be executed within Models, to use the connection to the Database, just use the variable $conn present in all Models that extend the Model class


More information about PDO can be found in the official documentation https://www.php.net/manual/pt_BR/book.pdo.php


Middlewares can be found in the Middle folder

src / Middleware

Middlewares must be created as functions in files and can be called within controllers. If you have global Middleware for all routes, such as the predefined authentication Middleware, it can be called in the Controller class within the resource method and extended to all controllers using the resource method. MiddlewareInController

Example of authentication middleware being used for all controllers that use resources (Standard Configuration) If the resource method is not being used, middleware can be called within the individual methods.

Auth Middleware

By default, routes that extend the Controller class and use the resource method for internal routing pass through the Authentication Middleware, found in the auth-middleware.php file

src / Middleware / auth-middleware.php

This middleware uses JWT standards to generate authentication tokens, the tokens are fully customizable to suit the demands and their settings can be found in the AuthConfig.php file

src / Middleware / AuthConfig.php


In the above variables it is possible to control the duration of the token, the encryption key and the algorithm to be used.


To generate a new token, just call the static method auth, passing the token user id as a parameter. This is the default method, if you wanted to change the token payload, you need to access the AuthConfig class and change the methods of generating and validating the tokens.


Token generation example



The Helper Validator has as main objective to facilitate the validation of data received by the request, it has two main methods, the required method to handle mandatory data and the refused method for data that are not accepted.

The Validator helper can be found in src / Helpers / Validator.php


The required static method aims to facilitate the use of mandatory fields, forcing the request to have all the necessary fields to execute the logic. (See example below)


All fields inside the array will be required


The refused static method aims to prevent certain values from being sent in the request. (See example below)


All fields inside the array will be refused


Helper Http aims to facilitate Http requests, it works like the main Http verbs, has support for custom Headers and complex requests. Its only method is the static send method. (Below is an example of a simple request.)
