
Go client library for accessing the ChorusPro API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


tests codecov License: MIT

go-choruspro is a Go client library for accessing the ChorusPro API.

Chorus Pro is the shared invoicing solution that has been set up for all suppliers (private or public) in the public sector (State, local authorities, etc.) to meet the legal requirements for electronic invoicing. (translated from economie.gouv.fr)

See the Chorus Pro Community for more information (documentation, support, status, etc.)


go get github.com/antoine2116/go-choruspro


import "github.com/antoine2116/go-choruspro"

Construct a new ChorusPro client. You must provide the following parameters:

cfg := &choruspro.ClientConfig{
		BaseUrl:      "<piste_url>",
		AuthUrl:      "<piste_oauth_url>",
		ClientId:     "<piste_client_id>",
		ClientSecret: "<piste_client_secret>",
		Login:        "<chorus_pro_technical_credentials>",

c, err := choruspro.NewClient().WithConfig(cfg)


Get the list of currencies available

res, err := c.Transverses.RecupererDevises(context.Background(), choruspro.CodeLangueFr)

Upload an invoice

invoice := SoumettreFactureOptions{
  NumeroFactureSaisi: "123456",
  LignesPoste: &[]SoumettreFactureLignePoste{
      Quantite: 1,
      PrixUnitaire: 100,
      Designation: "Test",
      CodeTVA: "TVA20",

res, err := c.Factures.SoumettreFacture(context.Background(), invoice)

Services available

For now, only the following services are available:

  • ✅ Factures
  • ✅ Structures
  • ✅ Transverses
  • ✅ Utilisateurs
  • ❌ Engagements
  • ❌ FacturesTravaux

The other services will be added soon (PRs are welcome!)


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


This project is not affiliated with the Chorus Pro project or the French government.