- Install Docker
This repository uses Docker for easy toolchain installation. If you prefer, you can install the Apache Newt tool, as documented in the Getting Started Guide.
- Download the dependencies
$ ./newt install
- Build the blinky app for the sim platform using the "my_blinky_sim" target (executed from the blinky directory).
$ ./newt build my_blinky_sim
The Apache Newt tool should indicate the location of the generated blinky executable. Since the simulator does not have an LED to blink, this version of blinky is not terribly exciting - a printed message indicating the current LED state.
This project's unit tests are not written in the conventional Mynewt fashion, but with Cpputest They are built using CMake:
# Only needed once
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
# Build and runs tests
make check
on the wire:
- 3v3
- gnd
- sda
- scl
on the module:
- vin
- gnd
- P0.04
- P0.05
First, clone the OpenOCD source code somewhere appropriate
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd
Then you can build OpenOCD (change the prefix for your use case):
./configure \
--prefix=$HOME/custom-binaries/ \
--program-prefix=nrf52- \
--enable-aice \
--enable-amtjtagaccel \
--enable-armjtagew \
--enable-cmsis-dap \
--enable-dummy \
--enable-ftdi \
--enable-openjtag_ftdi \
make install
OpenOCD git commit 41092636 was tested to be working.