New papers in Network Science

New papers in Network Science provides a semi-automatically curated list of new publications in Network Science. New publications are shared on weekdays on Bluesky (, on Mastodon (, on Twitter (@networkspapers), via a mailing list, and via a RSS feed (beta version).

New publications are flagged if their title or abstract (when available) contains any of the following keywords

Connectome, connectome, Connectomes, connectomes, Connectomics, connectomics, Network, network, Networks, networks, networked, Networked, Percolation, percolation, Graph, graph, Graphs, graphs, Hypergraph, hypergraph, Hypergraphs, hypergraphs, Simplex, simplex, Simplices, simplices, Simplicial, simplicial

Flagged publications are then manually reviewed prior to being posted to insure broad relevancy.

Our wish is to make this account as useful as possible to the diverse Network Science community; comments or suggestions are welcome (see the issues tab).


The file past_posts.json contains every new paper in network science identified and posted by @networkspapers since Nov. 30th 2017. The Mastodon account started posting on Nov. 8th 2022. The Bluesky account started posting on Aug. 25th 2023. The mailing list started on Oct. 12th 2023. We keep it updated in case this (incomplete and obviously biased) list could be useful in anyway to researchers.

Feeds followed

Using this code

If you wish to use this code, you will need to add your Twitter Access Keys in the file config/twitter_cred.json as

  "consumer_key"        : "",
  "consumer_secret"     : "",
  "access_token"        : "",
  "access_token_secret" : ""

Posting on Mastodon is done via the Python wrapper for the Mastodon API You will need to run the following script once

from mastodon import Mastodon

     api_base_url = INSTANCE_URL,
     to_file = "pytooter_clientcred.secret"

mastodon = Mastodon(
    client_id = "pytooter_clientcred.secret",
    api_base_url = INSTANCE_URL

    to_file = "pytooter_usercred.secret"

and then create the file config/mastodon_cred.json with

  "access_token": pytooter_usercred.secret,
  "api_base_url": INSTANCE_URL

Posting to a Slack channel is done via the slack_sdk Python package. Simple instructions can be found here. You will have to create the file config/slack_CUSTOMNAME_cred.json with

  "channel": CHANNEL_ID,
  "slack_bot_token": TOKEN

Simple instructions to post on Bluesky can be found here. You will have to create the file config/bsky_cred.json with

  "handle": USERNAME,
  "app_password": PASSWORD

Instructions to use GMail's SMTP server can be found here. You will have to create the file config/googlegroup_cred.json with

  "email_sender": "write-email-here",
  "email_password": "write-password-here",
  "email_receiver": "write-email-receiver-here"