
R package to easily build panel data sets from the PSID

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psidR: make building panel data from PSID easy

Build Status


This R package provides a function to easily build panel data from PSID raw data.


The Panel Study of Income Dynamics is a publicly available dataset. You have to register and agree to terms and conditions, but there are no other strings attached.

  • you can use the data center to build simple datasets
  • not workable for larger datasets
    • some variables don't show up (although you know they exist)
    • the ftp interface gets slower the more periods you are looking at
    • the click and scroll exercise of selecting the right variables in each period is extremely error prone.
  • merging the data manually is tricky.


this package attempts to help the task of building a panel data. the user can either

  1. download ASCII data from the server to disk and process with Stata or SAS to generate .dta or .csv files as input; or
  2. [RECOMMENDED] use the option to directly download into an R data.frame via the SAScii package. You download only once.

To build the panel, the user must specify the variable names in each wave of the questionnaire in a data.frame fam.vars, as well as the variables from the individual index in ind.vars.

Real World Example: Missing Variables

  • You want a data.table with the following columns: PID,year,income,wage,age,educ.
  • You went to the PSID variable search to look up the relevant variable names in each year in either the individual-level or family-level datasets.
  • You created a list of those variables as I did in inst/psid-lists of this package
  • You noted that there is NO EDUCATION variable in the individual index file in 1968 and 1969
    • Instead of the variable name for EDUC in 1968 and 1969 you put NA
  • You noted that there is NO HOURLY WAGE variable in the family index file in 1993
    • Instead of the variable name for HOURLY WAGE in 1993 you put NA
# Build panel with income, wage, age and education
# this is the body of the function build.psid()
r = system.file(package="psidR")
f = fread(file.path(r,"psid-lists","famvars.txt"))
i = fread(file.path(r,"psid-lists","indvars.txt"))

# add a group identifier
f[1:38,vgroup := "wage"]
f[39:76,vgroup := "earnings"]

i[1:38,   vgroup := "age"]
i[39:76,  vgroup := "educ"]  # caution about 2 first years: no educ data
i[77:114, vgroup := "weight"]

> head(f)
                 dataset year variable                label   vgroup
1: PSID Main Family Data 1968      V81        FAM MONEY INC earnings
2: PSID Main Family Data 1969     V529       TOTAL FU $ INC earnings
3: PSID Main Family Data 1970    V1514 TOT FU MON INC OV414 earnings
4: PSID Main Family Data 1971    V2226       TOT FU MON INC earnings
5: PSID Main Family Data 1972    V2852       TOT FU MON INC earnings
6: PSID Main Family Data 1973    V3256       TOT FU MON INC earnings
> head(i)
                         dataset year variable                label vgroup
1: PSID Individual Data by Years 1968  ER30004 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 68    age
2: PSID Individual Data by Years 1969  ER30023 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 69    age
3: PSID Individual Data by Years 1970  ER30046 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 70    age
4: PSID Individual Data by Years 1971  ER30070 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 71    age
5: PSID Individual Data by Years 1972  ER30094 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 72    age
6: PSID Individual Data by Years 1973  ER30120 AGE OF INDIVIDUAL 73    age

# create ind and fam data.tables
ind = cbind(i[J("age"),list(year,age=variable)],
fam = cbind(f[J("wage"),list(year,wage=variable)],

> head(ind)
   year     age    educ  weight
1: 1968 ER30004      NA ER30019
2: 1969 ER30023      NA ER30042
3: 1970 ER30046 ER30052 ER30066
4: 1971 ER30070 ER30076 ER30090
5: 1972 ER30094 ER30100 ER30116
6: 1973 ER30120 ER30126 ER30137
> head(fam)
   year  wage earnings
1: 1968  V337      V81
2: 1969  V871     V529
3: 1970 V1567    V1514
4: 1971 V2279    V2226
5: 1972 V2906    V2852
6: 1973 V3275    V3256

# caution: this step will take many hours the first time.
d = build.panel(datadir="~/data",fam.vars=fam,
          SAScii = TRUE, 
          heads.only = TRUE,


In case you go for psidR option 1

  • download the zipped family data from http://simba.isr.umich.edu/Zips/ZipMain.aspx
    • run any of the contained program statements in each of the downloaded folders
  • download the cross-year individual file
  • the user can set some sample design options
  • subsetting criteria
  • if some variables are not measured in a given wave for whatever reason, the package takes care of that (after you tell it which ones are missing. see examples in package).

If you go for psidR option 2

You don't have to prepare anything: just enough time (you should think about leaving your machine on over night/the weekend, depending on how many waves you want to use. The individual index file is very big).

How to install this package

The package is on CRAN, so just type


Alternatively to get the up-t-date version from this repository,


Example Usage

the main function in the package is build.panel and it has a reproducible example which you can look at by typing


Usage Outline

Suppose the user wants to have a panel with variables "house value", "total income" and "education" covering years 2001 and 2003. Steps 1 and 2 are relevant only for option 1, option 2 requires only step 3 and 4:

  1. Download the zipped family files and cross-period individual files from http://simba.isr.umich.edu/Zips/ZipMain.aspx, best into the same folder. This folder will be the function argument datadir.
  2. inside each downloaded folder, run the stata, sas or spss routine that comes with it. Fixes the text file up into a rectangular dataset. Save the data as either .dta or .csv. The default of the package requires that you use file names FAMyyyy.dta and IND2009ER.dta (case sensitive).
  3. Supply a data.frame fam.vars which contains the variable names for each wave from the family file.
  4. Supply a data.frame ind.vars which contains the variable names for each wave from the individual index file.
myvars <- data.frame(year=c(2001,2003),
indvars1 = data.frame(year=c(2001,2003),longitud.wgt=c("ER33637","ER33740"))
  1. call the function, with SAScii=TRUE or SAScii=FALSE depending on your choice:
option.1 <- build.panel(datadir=mydir,fam.vars=myvars,ind.vars=indvars,SAScii=FALSE)
option.2 <- build.panel(datadir=mydir,fam.vars=myvars,ind.vars=indvars,SAScii=TRUE)

Stata users may recognize this syntax from module psiduse, which is similar. The names are up to you ("house.value" is your choice), but the rest is not, i.e. there must be a column "year". Notice if you knew house.value was missing in year 2001, you could account for that with

fam.vars <- data.frame(year=c(2001,2003),

The function will then keep NA as the value of the variable in year 2001 and you can fix this later on. This functionality was needed because NAs have a generic meaning, i.e. a person who does not participate in a given year is kept in the register, but has no replies in the family file, so has NA in all variables of the family file after merging.

Supplemental Datasets

The PSID has a wealth of add-on datasets. Once you have a panel those are easy to merge on. The panel will have a variable interview, which is the identifier in the supplemental dataset.

Additional Info

Future Developments

  • allow more complex panel designs, like accounting for wider family structure (i.e. using the family splitoff indicator to follow households that split up).