
Manage color themes in your React application

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Manage color themes in your React application

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A small, fast and accessible solution to manage your color themes in your React application. It works with a functionnal aproach letting you create your own React Context Provider and getting all you need to make it easy to create a theme picker. Based on prefers-color-scheme user's browser preferences, it helps you to add a dark mode, and/or add as many themes as you need on your app (like a colorblind theme one).

Table of Contents

  1. Motivations
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact
  7. Acknowledgements

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


$ npm install rethemes

or using Yarn

$ yarn add rethemes


Create your theme.js file

First, import create from rethemes and use it to create your context provider: ThemeProvider, and React hook: useTheme

// theme.js
import { create } from 'rethemes'

const { ThemeProvider, useTheme } = create({
  themes: ['light', 'dark'],
  defaultTheme: 'light',

export {

Under the hood, if you specify light and dark in the themes argument, the library will sync automatically with the user's browser preferences (prefers-color-scheme).

Add the provider in your application

Next, add the provider:

// App.js
import { ThemeProvider } from './theme.js'

export function App() {
  return (
      <MyApp />

Create your theme picker

Use the hook useTheme to get the active theme and the method to change active theme. useTheme returns a themes props to help you creating a theme picker.

// ThemePicker.js
import { useTheme } from './theme.js'

export function ThemePicker() {
  const { activeTheme, setActiveTheme, themes } = useTheme

  const setDarkTheme = () => {

  const setLightTheme = () => {

  return (
      <Button onClick={setDarkTheme}>Change theme to dark</Button>
      <Button onClick={setLightTheme}>Change theme to light</Button>
        {themes.map(theme => (
          <li key={theme.key}>
            <Button onClick={theme.setActive}>Change theme to {theme.key}</Button>

Add custom themes

With react-theme you can manage any themes you want. To do so, just add as many themes as you like to the themes argument of the create method

// theme.js
const { ThemeProvider, useTheme } = create({
  themes: ['light', 'dark', 'colorblind', 'high-contrast'],
  defaultTheme: 'light',

They wil be available on useTheme

// ThemePicker.js
const { activeTheme, setActiveTheme, themes} = useTheme

const setColorblindTheme = () => {

const setHighContrastTheme = () => {

// `themes` will contains colorblind and high-contrast too

Manage CSS colors with rethemes

The library will automatically append a classlist related to the active theme to the body HTML element with the theme prefix.

You can use CSS variables to manage colors like:

 /* theme.css */
body.theme-light {
  --text-color: black;

body.theme-dark {
  --text-color: white;

body.theme-colorblind {
  --text-color: black;

body.theme-high-contrast {
  --text-color: purple;

Then use them on your CSS files:

 /* theme.css */
.block {
  color: var(--text-color);


create arguments

Option Type Description
themes string[] List of themes you want to use
defaultTheme string Theme you would like to use as default.
expiryDuration number List of themes to map on, helping you create a theme picker

Note: defaultTheme is Based on themes. If defaultTheme is not includes in themes it will be added.

Note 2: all strings in themes are inferred as a union type (Theme) dispatched to the context and hook (you will have the auto-completion each time you should be able to update or access to it).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Antoine Lin - @vahilloff - contact@antoinelin.com

Project Link: https://github.com/toinelin/rethemes


Please feel free to open a pull request to add your project to the list!