
Generate handy tunetables from thesession.org tunebooks and lists of tagged tunes using a simple web app with a URL input and sorting options that makes use of The Session API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Tunetable: Convert The Session tunebooks, tunelists and sets to compact tables [v.1.9.2]


Generate handy tunetables from thesession.org tunebooks and lists of tagged tunes using a simple web app with a URL input and sorting options that makes use of The Session API.

Tunetable is a free and open source software licensed under the terms of the GPL v.3.0 license.

It contains information from The Session, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).

See Tunetable Help menu for detailed instructions.

Tunetable is being developed by Anton Zille aka Bregolas.


  • Collect initial feedback, fix more bugs.
  • Expand capabilities of service worker.



  • Missing tune settings no longer break loading incipits into Tunetable:
  • If tune setting is not found in ABC data files (freshly submitted etc.), it's now loaded from The Session.


  • Current service worker settings should allow falling back to cached index.html on page reload.
  • Fallback offline.html page added for PWA in case cached index.html doesn't work.
  • Accessibility:
    • Regrouped Infobox and made Tunetable body selectable to fix accessibility issues
    • Tunetable content can now be vertically expanded on hitting space bar key
    • Low-contrast colors changed to recommended contrast ratio
    • Added ARIA labels to elements missing accessible names
  • Experimental: Slightly delayed logo-links transitions for mobile devices to show logos.


  • Tunetable is now a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be installed to an Android or Apple device via a browser.
  • Service worker capabilities included so far:
    • Caching of TSO fetch responses for offline use (live versions priority, only for failed fetch requests)
    • Caching of ABC incipits jsons for offline use and instant loading (cached versions priority)
    • Re-caching of ABC incipits jsons if file aged >=7 days (upon new fetch request)
  • List of offline links to pick from gets generated below Infobox if fetch request fails.
  • Clicking on Infobox displays the Offline menu. It automatically unwraps if a fetch error is thrown.
  • Major refactoring of scripts, entry point script split into separate functional modules.


  • Favicons added with several fallbacks for browsers and operating systems (SVG, .ico, Chromium/Android, Apple Touch).
  • Web app manifest added with initial basic info about the website and paths to backup favicons.


  • Mobile hints added to Help menu.
  • More ARIA fixes after VoiceOver tests.


  • ARIA group labels for radio buttons added for easier screen reader navigation.
  • Toggling Tune ID/M and Dark/Light theme buttons now changes aria-label, triggering screen readers to announce new state.
  • Workaround for some screen readers announcing names of all elements in each cell, rendering Name + Revert button column unusable. Revert button had to be assigned aria-label "Reset" so that the affected screen readers read "Name Reset column" and not "Name Revert Tunetable & data to unsorted original column" due to button title. When tabbing to the button, full title is read.
  • Selection inside a Tunetable no longer triggers a click event, a single click with no selection expands rows as usual.


  • ARIA labels added, some attributes fixed after testing the page with screen readers.
  • Infobox now has aria-live attribute, enabling it to announce messages via screen readers.
  • Close help menu button added to accordion menu for easier keyboard controls.
  • Cut unnecessary links in Help menu, refactored example links input.
  • On-focus outline styles further tweaked in selectable elements.


  • Both Help and Sort menus can now be fully navigated with default keyboard controls (Tab, Space, Enter, Arrows).
  • Added functions for making wrapped up links and buttons (non-)selectable with Tab key using TabIndex.
  • Made main elements of the Sort menu ARIA-ready (redundant at this stage with display:none).
  • Added functions for bulk-changing ARIA-states.


  • ARIA-states added to the accordion Help menu for accessibility. Full arrow-control is work in progress.
  • Checkboxes fully restyled for better accessibility and easier key control using modern CSS.
  • Outlines for selected elements partly restyled with improved visibility.
  • Buttons fixed to conform with modern HTML model requirements.


  • Checkboxes rewritten, variables ditched in favour of simple checks.
  • Sticky settings for checkboxes added under Show more options.
  • ABC preload function now chooses between tunes .json (< 1MB) and settings .json (2 MB) for sets.
  • ABC tunes/settings .json is now preloaded if sticky ABC / Keys settings are enabled.


  • TSO URL validation tweaked to include queries such as ?orderby=newest.
  • TSO JSON fetching function is now able to fetch .jsons with queries such as ?orderby=newest.
  • Sort menu expanded with Show advanced options button and hidden menu.
  • Help menu has been further expanded (some sections are a work in progress).


  • Fixed Keys not loading for tunelists (no keys in TSO .json, need to be created from ABC incipits).


  • Sort menu has been rewritten and is now made up of clear groups of settings: sorting style (required), handling The/An articles in tune names (optional, kept by default) and checkbox options for adding extra content to the Tunetable (ABCs, keys, tune type).
  • Sorting and title processing functions have been adjusted accordingly.
  • Help menu has been expanded (some sections are a work in progress).


  • Added basic animations for buttons and their elements on mouse over and focus events.
  • Minor HTML / CSS changes and optimizations.


  • Added new icons for buttons and help menu sections.
  • Tunetable row expand / shrink event listener tweaked.


  • Added an apply Sort settings button (‘Work away!’) to make sorting more intuitive.
  • Rewrote column expand / collapse functions, got rid of negative margins.
  • Revisited Tunetable column widths, increased minimum width for ABCs.
  • Added row expand / shrink event listener, to be combined with media queries.


  • Adjusted ABC column width and expand / collapse behavior.


  • Fixed async function fetching missing tune ABC from The Session.
  • Added ABC cleaning module for processing the fetched ABC incipits.


  • Fixed async function fetching the "local" abc.json from GitHub repository.


  • Created a thoroughly filtered JSON containing ABC incipits of all the current TSO tunes.
  • Rewrote ABC incipit fetching that checks abc.json before attempting to fetch from TSO.
  • Newly-added tunes will be fetched from The Session if ABC is missing from abc.json
  • Initial testing of checkboxes / sorting behavior done, ABC is added in place of URLs.


  • Experimental: Fetches ABC incipit and tune keys for each tune, adds them to importJson.
  • Checkboxes with Type, Keys, ABC options added to Sort menu.


  • Help menu updated with more instructions on sorting options.
  • Button-like divs replaced with buttons, tab focus indicators now appear for each button.
  • Rolled back ABC incipit fetching and checkboxes, attempting to fix CORS policy error.


  • Experimental: Accordion help menu with subheaders finished using grid transitions.
  • New, expanded help menu items added (accepted links, how to sort, how to save).
  • Adjusted transition durations, removed performance-killing table transition.


  • Icons moved to a single sprite file icons.svg to clean up HTML.
  • Animations added for menus, buttons, table wrapping and unwrapping.
  • Prototype accordion help menu made, headers / sections to be added.


  • Added basic protection against click interference during Fetch.
  • Input form buttons are now disabled during Fetch until its completion.
  • User will now be notified about connection problem if network error gets thrown.


  • Fixed handling of HTTP response errors during Fetch, they now get thrown properly.
  • User will now get several distinct error messages depending on Fetch error.
  • URLs starting with http will now be replaced with https to avoid SOP error.
  • Added another check to the Fetch function to catch empty tune/set arrays.
  • Fixed the timing of clearing data during Fetch, error won't result in broken Tunetable.


  • Now supports Sets. Accepted TSO links may now end with: /tunebook || /tunes || /sets || /tunesets
  • Sets are generated and sorted with tune keys.
  • Download button now exports Tunetable in plain text format.
  • Index # button now exports Tune data in .json format.
  • ID / Meter button now works with Sets, shows M of 1st tune.
  • Expanded Help menu, added auto-fill links for Setbook / Setlist.


  • Experimental: Click on Tunetable '#' to export Tunetable in plain text format.
  • Indentations in myTuneTable.txt are relative, calculated from the longest cell.
  • Tune ID / Tune Meter toggle function now directly changes Tunetable cell values.


  • Added Tune ID / Tune Meter toggle button for the Tunetable.
  • Tune Meter is deducted from the tune type value saved in JSON data.
  • Tune type is not displayed to avoid classifying airs as reels etc.
  • Clear and Sort buttons updated, default sorting style is now None.
  • Generate button doesn't delete user-picked sorting style while Clear does.


  • Example links to a Tunebook / Tunelist can now be inserted on click from the help menu.
  • Revised the Sort function, got rid of redundant createTextNode lines.
  • Sort menu now opens on click and is hidden by default. Additional close button added.
  • Menu and buttons behavior revised, opening Help Menu closes Sort and vice versa (mobile friendly).
  • Added a button reverting the Tunetable and tune data to their original order.


  • Refactored the fetch request function using async-await syntax.
  • Bonus messages now run in parallel to the asynchronous fetch loop.
  • Fine-tested and corrected the calculation of delay that triggers them.
  • Got rid of innerHTML in favour of createElement / appendChild everywhere.


  • Redesigned the upper half of the page, navigation button/icons added.
  • Save button exports currently exports Tunetable as a JSON object file.
  • Help button displays instructions, which are now wrapped up by default.
  • Light theme: picked colors, added toggle button with alternating icons.


  • Fixed fetching and sorting logic. Custom JSON will now be used for all operations.
  • Fixed delay calculation after changing the /tunes URL being fetched to 50 tunes per page.
  • Displays grumpy messages with async-await if list will take more than 3 seconds to load.
  • Separated clear data functions to make order of operations more flexible.
  • Clear button now deletes links and Infobox messages if pressed again.
  • Generate button clears JSON data at the start of the fetch request, waits before clearing Tunetable.
  • Turned off annoying autocomplete in input form until finding ways to style it.


  • Fetches JSON from thesession.org via Fetch API.
  • Multi-page lists and tunebooks from The Session supported.
  • Calculates Tunetable generation delay depending on number of pages.


  • Validates inputted links via RegExp, only TSO tunebooks and lists pass.
  • Some infobox messages and styling added.


  • Offline version tested on TSO JSON via local server.
  • Four algorithms for handling articles in tune names added.
  • Scripts for sorting through and reordering JSON tunelist.
  • Script for creating and filling in Tunetable from TSO JSON.
  • Script for radio buttons (NB: btn values are always string).
  • UI elements added: buttons, radio inputs, input form.
  • Basic mobile-friendly layout with flexboxes tested in dev tools.
  • Expanding table behavior via disabling negative margins (hacky!)