#Node js bindings to Kyoto Cabinet database

Implemented as sychronous wrapper over c++ library, trying to copy its interface (When it was possible). So documentaion is present here http://fallabs.com/kyotocabinet/spex.html and http://fallabs.com/kyotocabinet/api/. A lot of examples may be also found in tests

##Dependencies Kyotocabinet library with headers. (apt-get install libkyotocabinet-dev for Debian like OS's) and compiler (tested with gcc 4.7.3 for nodejs <= v0.12.0 and gcc 4.8/4.9.3 for iojs v3.* and nodejs v4.*

##Engines Works with

  • nodejs-v0.10.*
  • nodejs-v0.12.*
  • iojs-v3.*
  • node-v4.*
  • node-v6.*
  • node-v7.*

Actually it should work even with nodejs-0.8.x but newer versions of test suite (mocha) are incompatible with nodejs-0.8 and older, so can not run tests for them.


npm install kyotokabinet


npm install git+ssh://git@github.com:anton-kotenko/kyotocabinet-node.git

or add

"kyotocabinet": ">=0.2.1"


"kyotocabinet": "git+ssh://git@github.com:anton-kotenko/kyotocabinet-node.git",

line into dependencies section of package.json file ##Build ###For normal usage just run

npm install

in folder with sources.

###For debug version of library (compiled with -g -O0 CCFLAGS) run one of next commands

node-gyp configure && node-gyp --debug build
npm --debug install