
Wrapper around native mongodb javascript driver, that provides promise-like interface and data validation with json schema

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Wrapper around native mongodb javascript driver, that provides promise based (using Vow promises) interface and data validation with json schemas.

Library interface is build to be as close as possible to mongo shell. All asyncronous code is hidden in library, except, actually operation on server and/or recieving data.

##Installation run

npm install git://github.com/anton-kotenko/schema-check-mongo-wrapper.git


npm install schema-check-mongo-wrapper

or add

"schema-check-mongo-wrapper": ">=0.1.0"

in package.json

##Api Library api is implemented in next classes

  • Connection
  • SafeCollection
  • CursorWrapper
  • SchemaStorage

###Connection Connection class is analog of native mongo driver's Db class, but also hides in itself code required to connect to database server. Api

  • Connection (url, connectionOptions) constructor
  • collection (collectionName)
var MongoWrapper = require('schema-check-mongo-wrapper'),
   connection = new MongoWrapper.Connection("mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb"),
   collection = connection.collection("myCollection");


SafeCollection is analog of native drivers Collection class, but methods save, insert and update methods, has posibility of checks if inserted/updated data is valid using json schema attached to collection. Provides a lot of methods from mongo native driver, with almost same interface. Most notable change is transformation from callback style into promise style

  • find (condition) returns promise to CursorWrapper
  • count (condition) returns promise to Number
  • insert (document, options) returns promise to inserted document
  • update (condition, update, options) return promise to updated documents count
  • remove (condition)

###CursorWrapper CursorWrapper wraps Cursor class. Implements almost same interface as original cursor, except callback style functions are replaced with promise style

  • toArray() returns promise to document array
  • sort (diretion) returns same cursor
  • limit (count) returns same cursor

###SchemaStorage SchemaStorage provides way to define schemas by url, that is usefull when building complex schemas from set of simple Example

Has next interface

  • addSchema (url, schema)
  • getSchema (url)


###Simple example

Simple example: connect to database server and run some commands on collection

var MongoWrapper = require('schema-check-mongo-wrapper'),
    connection = new MongoWrapper.Connection("mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb"),
    collection = connection.collection("myCollection");

collection.insert({field: 123})
    .then(function (insertedDoc) {
        console.log('Document', insertedDoc, 'was inserted in collection');
        return collection.count({field: 123});
    .then(function(docCount) {
        console.log('We have ', docCount, " documents that matches condition");
        return collection.update({field: 123}, {$set: {field: 543}});
    .then(function (updateCount) {
        console.log(updateCount, ' documents was updated');
        return collection.find().toArray();
    .then(function (documentsArray) {
        console.log('Collection contains next documents', documentsArray);
        return collection.find().sort({_id: 1}).limit(5).toArray();
    .then(function (documentsArray) {
        console.log('First 5 documents from collection, sorted by _id field desc', documentsArray);
    .fail(function (err) {
        console.log("Something fails ", err);

Example validate data

Example how to store data in mongo's collection with validation

var MongoWrapper = require('schema-check-mongo-wrapper'),
    connection = new MongoWrapper.Connection("mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb"),
    collection = connection.collection("myCollection");
    //declare schema for object with two fields a (string) and b (integer),
    //both required, and disallow any other fields
    schema = {
        name: 'Schema',
        type: 'object',
        properties: {
            a: {
                type: 'string'
            b: {
                type: 'integer'
        required: ['a', 'b'],
        additionalProperties: false,

    .attachSchema(schema) //attach schema to collection. this schema will be used to verify documents on change
    .warnOnWrongData(true) //write messeges on console when "bad" document is processes
    .setCheckEnforcement(true); //disallow to insert documents, that mismatches schema
//or fetch collection with next code
//var collection = connection.collection('myCollection', schema, {warnOnWrongData: true, enforceChecks: true})

//{field: 123} obviously does not match schema, insert should fail
collection.insert({field: 123})
    .fail(function (error) {
        console.log('Can not insert document, it does not match schema', error);
        //{a: 'zzz', b: 123} is good document, so insert works
        return collection.insert({a: 'zzz', b: 123});
    .then(function (insertedDoc) {
        console.log('Document', insertedDoc, 'was inserted in collection');
        //trying to add "field" field {$set: {field: 543}} => that's "bad" document,
        //update should fail
        return collection.update({a: 'zzz', b: 123}, {$set: {field: 543}});
    .fail(function (error) {
        console.log('Can not update document, it does not match schema', error);
        //try to remove required field "a" {$unset: {a: ''}} => should fail
        return collection.update({a: 'zzz', b: 123}, {$unset: {a: ''}});
    .fail(function (error) {
        console.log('Can not update document, it does not match schema', error);
        //just change values of "a" and "b" fields. Should work
        return collection.update({a: 'zzz', b: 123}, {a: 'qwerty', b: 5});
    .then(function (updateCount) {
        console.log(updateCount, 'documents was updated');
    .fail(function (err) {
        console.log("Something fails ", err);

Example validate data using complex schemas

var MongoWrapper = require('schema-check-mongo-wrapper'),
    connection = new MongoWrapper.Connection("mongodb://localhost:27017/testdb"),

        type: 'string'
        type: 'integer'
        name: 'Schema',
        type: 'object',
        properties: {
            a: {
                $ref: 'http://my.project/schemas/a'
            b: {
                $ref: 'http://my.project/schemas/b'
        required: ['a', 'b'],
        additionalProperties: false,

collection = connection.collection(
    "http://my.project/schemas/full_schema", //attach schema to collection. this schema will be used to verify documents on change
    {warnOnWrongData: true} //write messeges on console when "bad" document is processes

//{field: 123} obviously does not match schema, insert should fail
collection.insert({field: 123})
    .fail(function (error) {
        console.log('Can not insert document, it does not match schema', error);
        //{a: 'zzz', b: 123} is good document, so insert works
        return collection.insert({a: 'zzz', b: 123});
    .then(function (insertedDoc) {
        console.log('Document', insertedDoc, 'was inserted in collection');
        //trying to add "field" field {$set: {field: 543}} => that's "bad" document,
        //update should fail
        return collection.update({a: 'zzz', b: 123}, {$set: {field: 543}});
    .fail(function (error) {
        console.log('Can not update document, it does not match schema', error);
        //try to remove required field "a" {$unset: {a: ''}} => should fail
        return collection.update({a: 'zzz', b: 123}, {$unset: {a: ''}});
    .fail(function (error) {
        console.log('Can not update document, it does not match schema', error);
        //just change values of "a" and "b" fields. Should work
        return collection.update({a: 'zzz', b: 123}, {a: 'qwerty', b: 5});
    .then(function (updateCount) {
        console.log(updateCount, 'documents was updated');
    .fail(function (err) {
        console.log("Something fails ", err);