Hi, I'm Anton!

Nice to see you.

I have been programming in Python for over 3 years, during which time I have used it in a variety of situations - from writing web scrapers to creating machine learning models and sites in Django.🐍

I know how to program in C and C # - examples of code can be found in my repositories.

I participated in a large number of CTFs (https://ctfnews.ru/what-is-ctf/) with the team (https://ctftime.org/team/75203), so I have a lot of experience in solving non-standard problems and I understand why it is important to write safe code.

I spoke on the webinar (https://www.ptsecurity.com/ru-ru/research/webinar/povyshenie-privilegij-v-sisteme-detektirovanie-tekhnik-na-primere-pt-sandbox/). Conducted a club of information security at the university.

I actively use git and docker during development, and since I worked as a reverse engineer, I read someone else's code well)

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