The following assumptions were made during the implementation:

  1. Either county, or state name is supposed to be provided
  2. Hence, service provides six end-points: three for state and three for county
  3. Service uses Web API to project CSV-file hosted in GitHub -
  4. The file is a part of project supposed to be uploaded daily.
  5. Paging is introduced for large sets of data
  6. Project is continuously deployed in Azure test environment at

How to build the project:

  1. Optionally update DockerfileRunArguments variable in launchSettings.json if you are launching using Docker profile
  2. Open Visual Studio 2022 and hit build all solution

How to run the project locally:

  1. Set CovidService as an active project and Start without a debugging(Ctrl-F5)
  2. Swagger document is available at http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html
  3. Postman collection is included in Covid\CovidService.postman_collection.json
  4. Import Postman collection into Postman and use collection to test the service out

How to a access the project deployed in Azure:

  1. Open swagger URL
  2. Use swagger, or Postman collection included with the project to run APIs
  3. To use Postman, you may need to set {{serverUrl}} variable to https://app-av-covidservice-test in the corresponding PostMan environment