Publish a GitHub Release :package: with Assets :file_folder: and Changelog :bookmark:
- 6
- 3
- 3
Empty tag prefix
#125 opened by JavierSegoviaCordoba - 5
- 1
- 3
- 0
Isn't the default release name the tag?
#92 opened by PaulRBerg - 1
- 1
Automate adding a footer to the release note
#82 opened by rgriebl - 2
Upload error
#75 opened by Wolf2323 - 6
- 23
GHE Support
#46 opened by cb80 - 8
Regression in v4.2+
#61 opened by kongsgard - 2
Empty headlines in a release
#59 opened by Wolf2323 - 1
Support for GitLab?
#58 opened by mitar - 1
Interpret headlines with "v"
#55 opened by treee111 - 1 with empty Headings
#54 opened by Wolf2323 - 3
- 3
Support a "Unreleased" pre-release
#47 opened by cb80 - 2
[QUESTION] How to do prerelease like on suffix?
#50 opened by Muizz-DS - 3
self-hosted runner issues
#43 opened by rsliotta - 1
- 1
Publish `action` on GitHub Marketplace
#45 opened by anton-yurchenko - 1
Add support for `amd64`
#44 opened by anton-yurchenko - 2
malformed env.var 'GITHUB_REF' (control tag prefix via env.var 'ALLOW_TAG_PREFIX'): expected to match regex
#41 opened by Asim-Tahir - 2
Multiple releases from matrix strategy
#36 opened by heitzmann - 4
Any ideas why this is fails? Changelog does not contain changes for requested project version
#33 opened by RIP21 - 4
Accept build artifact name(s)
#24 opened by reitzig - 4
Github Badge
#23 opened by rsliotta - 2
Wildcard or environment variables in args:
#20 opened by rsliotta - 3
- 3
- 3
Releasing from the first changelog entry
#14 opened by Fryuni - 1
Tag as parameter
#10 opened by victoraugustolls - 2
Get an error when I want to create a release
#1 opened by Stinobe