
Application Launcher based on ElectronJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status npm GitHub license

Compact applications launcher for Ubuntu.

Main view


  • minimalistic design
  • suggestions on TAB button
  • suggestions respect usage statistics
  • run printed command in the terminal if not found in the index
  • history of any run commnads.

The application list generates from:

  • main menu shortcuts
  • any commands what were run before.


There are 3 ways to install the application:

Using NPM:

sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm=true flap-app-launcher
#Note: "--unsafe-perm=true" is needed because of this: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/17268

Run anywhere with flap-app-launcher.

Download *.deb package:

Down load from latest release page. Or execute in the bash:

# for x86_64
wget https://github.com/antonfisher/flap-app-launcher/releases/download/v1.1.2/flap-app-launcher_1.1.2_x64.deb
sudo dpkg -i flap-app-launcher_1.1.2_x64.deb

# for ia32
wget https://github.com/antonfisher/flap-app-launcher/releases/download/v1.1.2/flap-app-launcher_1.1.2_ai32.deb
sudo dpkg -i flap-app-launcher_1.1.2_ia32.deb

From sources (for development):

git clone git@github.com:antonfisher/flap-app-launcher.git
cd flap-app-launcher
npm install
npm run lint
npm test
npm start   # production mode
npm run dev # development mode


The config file will be created after first application run.

Default hotkey: Super+Space. To change default hotkey edit the config file:

# for npm or binaries installation:
vim ~/.flap-app-launcher.config.json

# for source code installation:
vim %SOURCE_DIR%/.flap-app-launcher.config.json

NOTE: single hotkeys (like just Super) are not supported now.

Add to the autorun on Ubuntu

The Command must be:

  • for NPM installation: flap-app-launcher
  • for binaries installation: %PATH_TO_BINARIES%/flap-app-launcher.

Main view


  • automate build binaries
  • tests coverage
  • configuration file
  • configuration window
  • automate release process
  • driver for iOS/Win (?)
  • add google apps support