Quiz App

This project is developed using React and Redux


  • The application's overall code is splitted into multiple components and other needed helper functions.
  • This project's path is set to base path to make the import's easier.
  • Redux is used to pass state data like the user's response between pages.
  • To make the application fast and easier Vite has been used.
  • The main thing about this application is to handle multiple states at a time and also make sure that the application doesn't re-render unwantedly.
  • Memoization hooks has been used to track the user's progress over each question in case they wish to visit back their answer.


  • Responsive
  • Handles user session

Available Commands

npm install - to install dependencies
npm run dev - to start the dev server
npm run build - to get a production build

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/antonfrancisjeejo/quiz-app-react-with-redux-josh

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev

