
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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A rudimentary Racket/Scheme implementation using RPython. It adds a JIT.

In order to do anything with Pycket, you need to check out PyPy:

$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy

The below instructions assume that you do this checkout in this directory.

You also need a reasonably recent version of Racket, at least version 6.0. Then you need to set up the pycket language in Racket:

$ raco pkg install -t dir pycket/pycket-lang/

Afterwards you can run the unit-tests as follows:

$ pypy/pytest.py

To produce an executable, run:

$ ./pypy/rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit targetpycket.py

This expects that a binary named pypy is in your path. Note that running make for pypy produces pypy-c.

If you don't have a compiled pypy, you can also translate with:

$ python ./pypy/rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit targetpycket.py

This will take upwards of 5 minutes. This requires a PYTHONPATH that includes both rpython (that should be the pypy directory cloned above) and pycket (that should be this directory).

Afterwards you can execute a program:

$ ./pycket-c program

You can also run pycket under plain python, like this:

$ ./pycket-slow.sh program

Edit that shell script to make it use pypy, if desired.