
Template for experiment repository that includes code, script dependencies, data reference and steps to reproduce. To use this template click on the green "Use this template" button.

Paper title

by authors

Fill out the sections below with the information for your paper.

This paper has been submitted for publication in Journal.

Brief description of what the paper is about (the key points). You can include a main paper figure here also.
Caption for the example figure with the main results.


Paper abstract

Code implementation and references

Briefly describe the software/scripts used to produce the results of the paper. The following is an example:

All source code used to generate the results and figures in the paper are in the code folder. The data used in this study is provided in data and the sources for the manuscript text and figures are in manuscript. Results generated by the code are saved in results. See the README.md files in each directory for a full description.

Using the code

You can download a copy of all the files in this repository by cloning the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/antonia-had/paper_template.git

or download a zip archive.

A copy of the repository is also archived at insert DOI here


Depending on your project, the script might depend on several other packages to run. If using Python, you can use a '.yml' file specifying your dependencies. You can create one and place it in the repository so subsequent users take it and create a Python environment with all they need to replicate your results. This section should then describe how one can set up an environment with the dependencies necessary to run your code.

You'll need Python version number to run the code. You can set up an environment with all dependencies using an environment manager like Anaconda Python distribution which provides the conda package manager. Anaconda can be installed in your user directory and does not interfere with the system Python installation. The required dependencies are specified in the file environment.yml.

Run the following command in the repository folder (where environment.yml is located) to create a separate environment and install all required dependencies in it:

conda env create


You need to either provide or cite the data used in your analysis. Avoid cluttering your repository with a lot of raw data but instead archive and mint a DOI for your data.

Hadjimichael, A. (2020). My interesting dataset [Data set]. DataHub. https://doi.org/some-doi-number

Reproducing the results

Here you should include all information necessary to reproduce your results. Ideally, you'd set up a makefile that automates as much as possible, but make sure to provide clear step-by-step instructions for everything. The following can be used as example of replicating Python code.

Activate the conda environment:

source activate ENVIRONMENT_NAME

or, on Windows:


To build and test the software, produce all results and figures, follow these steps:

Add steps here


All source code is made available under a BSD 3-clause license. You can freely use and modify the code, without warranty, so long as you provide attribution to the authors.

The manuscript text is not open source. The authors reserve the rights to the article content, which is currently submitted for publication in the JOURNAL NAME.