Steps to replicate this experiment


Create and simulate ensemble

1. Generate sample and lists of which demands get reduced

2. Calculate monthly and annual flows per realization

Create /scerarios directory and a subdirectory for each sample and realization.

mkdir scenarios
mkdir xdd_parquet
cd scenarios
for i in {1..100}; do for j in {1..10}; do mkdir S${i}_${j}; done; done

Create virtual links to all files needed, by executing

These flows are used to trigger adaptive demands. Creates one for every state of the world and every realization. Can be run in parallel using (< this script has been edited and needs to be checked).

3. Calculate adaptive demands, write new inputs, execute realization, and parse to .parquet files

This is handled by which can be run in parallel (in batches) using This produces a compressed .parquet file, by converting the .xdd output file of each run.

4. Create combined files

Scripts in can be used to:

  • create combined files for each user for each realization with all 600 rules together
  • create combined files for each user for all realizations and all rules (these files end up being very large and inconvenient to work with)

Process outputs and generate figures