I'm a Software Engineer (1)

Hi there! I'm Amanda Fernandes (Cherry Blossom´◡`Cherry Blossom)

Typing SVG

I'm glad you're here! I'm a programming enthusiast and a FullStack developer, currently pursuing Electrical Engineering at UFMG. Combining engineering knowledge with my passion for software development, I aim to continuously improve my technical skills to deliver high-quality results and positively impact people with my work. I'm heavily involved in AWS services and, lately, I've been sharing knowledge on LinkedIn, with dreams of becoming a YouTuber to propagate knowledge. I'm passionate about discussing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the world of technology, firmly believing that women are awesome at programming!

Books What I'm up to

  • Woman Student Medium-Dark Skin Tone Enhancing my development skills at Alura.
  • Microscope Working on awesome web projects at dti digital.

Nail Polish Medium Skin Tone Technologies I'm learning

  • Laptop JavaScript, React, MongoDB, and Node.js are some of the technologies on my radar.
  • Nerd Face Also keen on learning Python, Next.js, and C#!!!

Cowboy Hat Face Let's connect!

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Rocket Technologies I use in my day-to-day

Languages and Technologies

Frameworks and Libraries

Tools and Platforms

Butterfly My purpose

My mantra in the tech journey is inspired by Steve Jobs' famous quote: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." It's the hunger to learn, the audacity to try new things, and the passion to positively impact people's lives through coding that drive me to overcome challenges and keep innovating. In this ever-evolving universe, curiosity and the willingness to take risks are our greatest allies to achieve the extraordinary.

Bar Chart My GitHub Stats

Alien Engagement Level

GitHub Stats

Fire GitHub Streak

GitHub Streak

Alien Monster Top Languages

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github contribution grid snake animation

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