
Ethereum Solidity D21 voting contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript


There are two branches: main and least-gas-used-to-vote.

main consist of I think better and more readable code with no optimizations whatsoever.
least-gas-used-to-vote is (somewhat) optimized code without reentrancy attack checks.

I was not really sure if we should worry about reentrancy attacks, so I made two versions.

Gas estimations for the vote function

State: 1 voter, 1 party; solcjs 0.8.7

branch positive vote gas negative vote gas
main 77552 77680
least-gas-used-to-vote 38197 38325

Summer School of Solidity (SSoS) 2021

SSoS assignment

Voting system smart contract

Janečkova metoda D21 (2 positive, 1 negative)

  • UC1 - Everyone can register a party
  • UC2 - Only the owner can add eligible voters
  • UC3 - Voting ends after 7 days from contract deployment
  • UC4 - Everyone can see remaining time to end
  • UC5 - Everyone can fetch live results
  • Bonus task: vote() method gas contest