ownCloud SMS app push your Android devices conversation into your ownCloud instance, using ocsms app.
Android download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.unix_experience.owncloud_sms
ocsms app sources are available here: https://github.com/nerzhul/ocsms/
You can found application documentation here: https://github.com/nerzhul/ownCloud-SMS-App/wiki
ownCloud SMS Android Application licence is in reflexion, then sources are partial.
- App locales and layouts are under BSD 2 clause licence
- App DataProviders are under AGPLv3
We are searching for translations in others langs
To contribute please download res/values/strings.xml and res/values/google_playstore_strings.xml and give us a translated version !
You can also contribute by adding patches in Java code or cleanups.
- An ownCloud instance with ocsms app
- ownCloud version: X.X.X
- PHP version: X.X
- HTTPd server: <apache|nginx...>
- HTTPS: <yes|no>
- Android version: X.X.X
- Phone:
- ownCloud SMS app version: X.X.X
Please create your issues for the client here:
And for the server app here:
You can found our continuous integration here: http://jenkins.unix-experience.fr/job/ownCloud%20SMS%20%28Android%29/