
Technical documentation for Armory Spinnaker

Primary LanguageHTML


Technical documentation for Armory Spinnaker.


Guides and docs are in markdown. They are split up into directories such as _overview, _user_guides, and _admin_guides. You can modify the markdown files in those directories, or add new ones. The 'order' field at the top of the md files determine where it will be placed on the list.

Jekyll is used to compile the markdown into a website.

Running locally

Once you have this repo checked out,

  1. Download and install Docker
  2. Start the server and make changes

You can view your changes at : http://localhost:4000 or (if you're using docker-machine)

to exit, you can do ctrl+c

Pushing to prod

Make a pull-request and once its merged, Jenkins automatically puts it on S3.


Install the Livereload chrome extension if you like seeing the page auto refresh when making a change.