This package allows to retrieve data from the engineering websites of the University of Pavia.
composer require abruno/unipvlectures
Once the package is installed package assets must be published by using the artisan command vendor:publish
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="UnipvLectures\Providers\UnipvLectureProvider"
In order to be able to use package assets, package service provider should be registered in your application.
Go to the file config/app.php
'providers' => [
// other service providers
* Package Service Providers...
// other Service Providers...
After service provider is configured, and package assets are published, migration should be run.
php artisan migrate
Migration will create lectures, courses, teachers, teacher_courses
in your database.
Once table are created command unipv:import-lectures
must be called.
Provide then the right configuration in config/unipvlectures.php
, variables courses_urls
and lectures_urls
php artisan unipv:lecturer-import
Wait till the command ends the import.
After data is imported you can start by creating a blade template
. Once it has been created provide its name still in the configuration config/unipvlectures.php
, template
return [
| Default Template
| This option controls the template used by the root to display data.
'template' => '',
| Urls used to retrieve Classes
| This option sets the url where to retrieve course names.
'courses_urls' => [],
| Urls used to retrieve Lecturers
| This option sets the url where to retrieve the lectures.
'lectures_urls' => [],
To see the timetable open the linK: