
Backend Meal App

Primary LanguagePython


Meal app which daily at 8:00 am send a slack notification through a slack bot with the today's menu, so that all the employees inside a slack workspace can be able to order their favorite meal option in just a few clicks.

Technical approaches

This section is intended to summarize some tech decisions taken during this project development.

  • The core API is fully developed with Django using Django Rest Framework, therefore, the project doesn't use the classic monolith MVT approach which come by default with Django, instead, the final solution is a bit more oriented to a three-tier architecture approach having the API and frontend app decoupled between them (this mean that I'm not using the Template mechanism offered by Django). Despite all of that, the final frontend solution is still served through the Django server, but this last one needs to be compiled first.

  • To handle async tasks/cron jobs this project leverages Celery's power in order to provide a more resilient solution.

  • The slack integration was made using the Slack's recommended way for new apps.

Project's Structure Folder

Folder Description
api This folder contains all the Django Apps used for creating the API Rest
config This folder contains all the Django default and custom configurations
docker This folder contains some scripts and subfolders which are gonna be useful when running the app with docker
frontend This folder contains the whole client app which is gonna be compiled and served through Django server
test This folder contains all the units test of the differents apps

Environment Variables

Down below you will find all the env vars which are needed to start the project.

Variable Description
DEBUG Turns on and off the debug mode
SECRET_KEY Django secret_key
JWT_SECRET_KEY Secret used to sign the JWT
SQL_ENGINE The SQL Database engine
SQL_DATABASE The database name
SQL_USER The database user
SQL_PASSWORD The database password
SQL_HOST The database host
SQL_PORT The database port
SLACK_TOKEN The slack token used for the bot in charge of sending the daily menu
PUBLIC_MENU_URL This will be the URL sent through slack which the employee is gonna access to
REDIS_URI The Redis URI which is used by Celery as a message broker for async tasks and cron jobs
LIMIT_ORDER_HOUR This var set the limit hour in which an employee can place an order


The project comes with a .env.example at root, which has some default values to help you to get started, but remember setting your own SLACK_TOKEN and if you want to run this project fully locally remember setting PUBLIC_MENU_URL to http://localhost:8000/menu/{} otherwise it will be https://nora.cornershop.io/menu/{}

If you want to change the time limit the employees have to place an order you could get this done by changing the LIMIT_ORDER_HOUR var and if you want to change the time in which the slack notification is sent you should change this value in the code to the hour you need to.

Principal Dependencies

Dependency Purpose
Django Used to build the whole project
djangorestframework Used to build all the API Rest
celery Used to handle async tasks and cron jobs
pytest Used to write all the unit tests
redis Used to allow Celery to connect with the Redis server
slackclient Used to communicate with the Slack Web API
Django Used to build the whole project
psycopg2-binary Used to connect with Postgres

App considerations

Regarding the initial requirements, these are the features this app come with:

Regular users (employees):

  • Everyone can see the public today's menu, but just regular logged-in users can order
  • Everyone can sign up as a regular user and sign in
  • Every regular user can get into a dashboard in which they can see their previous orders

Administrator (Nora):

  • Nora can sign in and get into a Menu management dashboard in which she can create new menus with different options and prices, edit those menus, and see who has placed orders on them.

Install and Execution

Previous steps

Previous to run this project, you should create a new slack app and get your slack bot token.

When creating the new slack app, as stated for them, you should grant some granular permissions, the permissions required for this project are users:read channels:manage groups:write im:write mpim:write chat:write

Remember install this app in your workspace and get your Bot User OAuth Access Token

Main process

To easily get this project up and running I recommend using docker-compose in order to spin up all the dependencies and boring stuff rather quickly.

1. Firstly, you will need to clone this locally

git clone https://github.com/antonio94js/Backend-Test-Mejias.git

cd Backend-Test-Mejias

2. Once inside the project's folder, you just need to run the following command:

docker-compose up

3. After all the ecosystem has been spun up, you should go inside the container :

docker-compose exec api bash

4. Run the migrations:

dj migrate


python manage.py migrate

5. This app allows regular users (employees) to sign up, but the superuser (nora) must be created by running:

dj createsuperuser


python manage.py createsuperuser

6. And start the Celery worker (you should re-run this command every time you restart the container):

celery -A config worker -l info -B

Now you can hit http://localhost:8000 and see the application running :)

Note: If you make some chances to the env vars after the API container has been started, you could run

docker-compose up --force-recreate --no-deps -d api

to update the environment.

API Docs

You can find the API Docs at the project root with the name apidocs.yml . This documentation was written using the Open API specs and Swagger, you can gaze the API properly by copy-paste the code here. This doc contains a detailed explanation about what the API does, the responses and errors you may run into by consuming it

Tests Execution

1. Go inside the container

docker-compose exec api bash

2. Run the tests

pytest test/units