
Competitive programming

Primary LanguageC++

Lecture Solutions
14/09/2020 Leaders in an array
Kadane's Algorithm
Missing number in array
Trapping rain water
Sliding window maximum
16/09/2020 Next larger element
Finding Team Member
23/09/2020 Inversion count
The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo
28/09/2020 Two Types of Spells
30/09/2020 Frogs and Mosquitoes
05/10/2020 Maximum path sum
Longest k-Good segment
12/10/2020 Ilya and Queries
Number of ways
Little girl and maximum sum
19/10/2020 Update the array
21/10/2020 Nested segments FT
Pashmak and Parmida
26/10/2020 Nested segments ST
02/11/2020 Circular RMQ
09/11/2020 Triplets
Smaller Values
16/11/2020 Powerfull array
Tree and Queries
18/11/2020 Longest common sub
23/11/2020 Minimum number of jumps
30/11/2020 Subset Sum
0-1 knapsack
02/12/2020 Longest increasing sub
Longest bitonic sub
07/12/2020 Edit distance
Vertex cover
Longest palindromic sub
09/12/2020 N meetings in one room
Magic numbers
Wilbur and array
Alternative thinking

Alternative implementations
Sliding window maximum (sliding algorithm seen in class)
The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo (binary search)
The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo (exponential-binary search)
Update the array (solution without FT)
Longest increasing sub (n^2 solution)
Longest bitonic sub (n^2 solution)
Minimum number of jumps (n^2 solution)